Details of report on priests accused of child sexual abuse
The Tribune-Democrat
March 1, 2016
[ Msgr Francis Ackerson | Fr David Arseneault | Fr Joseph Bender | Fr Peter Bodenschatz | Fr Charles Bodziak | Fr John Boyle | Fr James Bunn | Msgr Harold J Burkhardt | Fr Thomas Carroll | Fr Martin Cingle | Fr Dennis Coleman | Fr James B Coveney | Fr William Crouse | Fr Mario Fabbri | Fr Elwood Figurelle | Fr Joseph Gaborek | Fr Bernard Grattan | Fr Leonard Inman | Fr Robert Kelly | Fr George D Koharchik | Fr William J Kovach | Msgr Anthony M Little | Fr Francis E Luddy | Msgr Thomas Mabon | Msgr Joseph D Maurizio | Msgr Francis B McCaa | Fr Martin McCamley | Fr Regis Myers | Fr Daniel F O'Friel | Fr John Palko | Fr Gerard Ream | Fr William Rosensteel | Fr James F Skupien | Fr Joseph Strittmatter | Fr Benedict Wolfe ]
Summaries of the individuals listed by the Pennsylvania Office of attorney General in its report March 1, based on the findings of the 37th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury (editor’s warning: includes many graphic details of a sexual nature):
Msgr. Francis Ackerson
• Born: Dec. 7, 1918
• Died: Aug. 11, 2002
• Assignments:
- St. Patrick’s, Newry (1946-49)
- St. John’s and St. Mary’s, Cresson (1949-61)
- Holy Trinity, Huntingdon (1961-70)
- Society for the Propagation of Faith, Chapel House, Loretto (1970-72)
- Immaculate Conception, Johnstown (1972-80)
- Most Holy Trinity, Huntingdon (1980-83)
- St. Joseph’s, Williamsburg (1983-86)
- St. Michael’s, Loretto (1996-unknown)
• Findings: Engaged in oral and anal sex with a child at the St. Mary’s Orphanage building, Cresson; boy reported events to another priest, Rev. Jerome Pacella, who told him to “pray and go be a good monk, and not think of it again.”
Rev. David J. Arseneault
• Born: March 31, 1945
• Status: Pastor, Most Holy Trinity Church, Huntingdon.
• Assignments:
- St. Joseph’s, Renovo (1981-84)
- Most Holy Trinity, Huntingdon (1984-94)
- Penn State Catholic Community (1994-96)
- Holy Cross, Spangler (1996-2000)
- St. Jude, Bakerton (1996-2000)
- Unknown (2000-05)
- Most Holy Trinity (2005-present)
• Findings: While at St. Joseph’s, he became involved with local scholastic sports and developed a relationship with a 17-year-old boy; attempted to touch the boy sexually in Renovo and later on a trip to Washington, D.C.; told the victim that 80 percent of Catholic priests are gay; called before grand jury on Jan. 12, 2015, but “invoked his rights against self-incrimination.”
Rev. Joseph Bender
• Born: Dec. 29, 1929
• Died: Aug. 7, 2000
• Assignments:
- St. Joseph’s, Renovo (1957-58)
- St. Columba’s, Johnstown (1958)
- Cathedral of Blessed Sacrament, Altoona (1958-62)
- St. Andrew’s, Johnstown (1962)
- St. Joseph’s, Renovo (1962-68)
- Immaculate Conception, Dudley (1968-92)
- Retired in 1992.
• Findings: Labeled a “serial child predator” by the grand jury; close to a group of boys 8 to 13 known as “Benderites”; would take boys to camps and cabins, and instructed them to “sleep without underwear”; “The boys were sexually abused almost constantly at any location at which Bender could have access to a child,” the report says; accused of crimes in the 1970s in an anonymous letter in 1991 to Bishop Joseph Adamec; writer said: “I would estimate that I was abused approximately 100 times.”
Rev. Peter Bodenschatz
• Born: July 9, 1905
• Died: June 10, 1961
• Assignments: No documented record.
• Findings: Fondled and abused an eighth-grader while priest was associated with St. Mary’s Church in Nanty Glo; alleged abuse occurred in 1940 and was reported to Bishop Adamec in 2002.
Rev. Charles Bodziak
• Born: Sept. 22, 1941
• Status: Pastor, St. Michael’s Church, St. Michael.
• Assignments:
- St. Mary’s, Nanty Glo (1967-69)
- St. Joseph’s, Renovo (1969-71)
- St. Agnes, Lock Haven (1971-73)
- St. Leo’s, Altoona (1973-73 and 1979-unknown)
- Christ the King and St. Stanislaus Kostka, Barnesboro (1995-unknown)
- Sacred Heart and St. John the Baptist, Central City (1998-unknown)
- St. Agnes, Cassandra, and St. Bartholomew, (2001-unknown)
- St. Michael’s (2010-present)
• Findings: Woman in 2003 reported that Bodziak “repeatedly engaged in sexual intercourse with her” in 1971 when she was 16 and living in foster care in Lock Haven.
Rev. John Boyle
• Born: June 11, 1924
• Died: Dec. 14, 2011
• Assignments:
- Cathedral of Blessed Sacrament, Altoona (1956-68)
- St. Patrick’s, Johnstown (1958-62 – also part-time instructor at Johnstown High School) - Immaculate Conception, Lock Haven (1962-64) - Most Holy Trinity, Huntingdon (1964) - St. Mark’s, Altoona (1964-65) - St. Joseph’s, Portage (1965-66) - Most Precious Blood, Emeigh, and Holy Incarnate, Marsteller (1966-69) - sick leave (1969-70) - St. Catherine’s, Mount Union (1970-71) - St. Edward’s, Barnesboro (1971) - Corpus Christi, Dunlo (1971-72) - St. Agnes, Beaverdale (1972-95) - retired in 1995
• Findings: Engaged in sexual abuse of a boy, 10 or 11 years old, between 1958 and 1960; matter was reported to state police; placed on sick leave by Bishop James Hogan and returned to active ministry a year later; accused of groping a 15-year-old boy in 1971 and of getting another boy drunk and raping him between 1973 and 1975, then raping him numerous times in the rectory of St. Agnes Church, Beaverdale; accused of molesting a 16-year-old in 1982, then gave him gifts including a car; sent to treatment in 1995 by Bishop Adamec.
Rev. James Bunn
• Born: Sept. 30, 1938
• Status: Retired
• Assignments:
- St. Andrew’s, Johnstown (1964-65)
- Sacred Heart, Altoona (1965-67) - St. Clement, Johnstown, and assistant principal at Bishop McCort High School (1977-78) - principal at Bishop McCort (1978-84) - SS. Philip and James, Meyersdale (1984-95) - Seven Dolors, Clearville (1990-92) - St. Joan of Arc and St. Thomas Aquinas, Ashville (1995-2002) - retired in 2002.
• Findings: Befriended and then sodomized a boy at St. Andrew’s Church in Johnstown after befriending the boy’s family; “always in the company of a different boy”; victim’s parents “addressed the violation” with Bishop Hogan in 1982; made principle at Bishop McCort after Hogan had assured the family that he would “take care of the matter”; tested for “pedophilic tendencies” in 1988, results said he did not “demonstrate such interests”; additional complaint filed in 2001; testified before Grand Jury on March 17, 2015.
Msgr. Harold J. Burkhardt
• Born: March 3, 1922
• Died: March 19, 2000
• Assignments:
- Pontifical College, Josephinum, Ohio
- Holy Name, Ebensburg - St. Mary Immaculate Conception, Altoona - resigned in 1988, retired in 1989.
• Findings: Report alleges that Burk-hardt “perpetrated sexual child abuse on a 9-year-old boy” in Altoona, and asked the child: “What do you think God would say?”; victim reported to diocese in 2005; diocese responded by hiring detectives to investigate the victim, report says, but did not take the matter to police; among those interviewed about the boy and his family was the Rev. William Rosensteel, also accused of child sexual abuse in this report.
Rev. Thomas Carroll
• Born: May 15, 1945
• Died: Oct. 1, 1988
• Assignments:
- St. John Gaulbert, Johnstown (1971-72)
- St. Joseph’s, Renovo (1972) - St. Augustine Church, Dysart (1973) - St. Boniface Parish, St. Boniface (1973) - St. Theresa and Altoona Hospital, Altoona (1973-74) - Garvey Manor, Hollidaysburg (1974-75) - Our Lady of Mercy, Mercy Hospital and Lee Hospital, Johnstown (1975) - St. Barnabas, Johnstown (1975-88) - medical leave in 1988.
• Findings: Report says he used alcohol to “render a 12- to 13-year-old boy compliant to his will”; fondled and anally raped the boy; was confronted by Bishop Adamec in 1988 about being an “active homosexual (who) associates with young males and has been seen in places frequented by gays”; Rev. Dan O’Neil testified before the grand jury and said “it was common knowledge that Carroll was molesting children,” the report said, and that Carroll had a “proclivity for sex with minors.”
Rev. Martin Cingle
• Born: Jan. 14, 1947
• Status: Suspended.
• Assignments:
- Our Mother of Sorrows, Johnstown (1973-78) - Our Lady of Victory, State College (1978-81) - Holy Name, Ebensburg (1981-86) - St. Mary Immaculate Conception, Altoona (1986-87) - Most Holy Redeemer, Revloc (1987-88) - SS. Cyril and Methodius, Windber (1988-92) - St. John the Evangelist, Altoona (1992-93) - St. Matthew, Tyrone (1993-95) - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin, Johnstown (1995-2000) - St. Luke’s Institute (2002) - St. Francis of Assisi, Johnstown (2000-2015) - removed to from ministry due to investigation in October 2015.
• Findings: A 2002 report to Bishop Adamec accused Cingle of groping an altar boy from our Lady of Victory Church, State College, in 1979; Cingle appeared before the grand jury on Sept. 15, 2015, and said he “could have accidentally fondled the penis of a 16-year-old boy while he was sleeping,” the report said; Deputy Attorney General Daniel J. Dye contacted the diocese, asking that Cingle be removed from active ministry, which Bishop Mark Bartchak then did.
Rev. Dennis Coleman
• Born: April 17, 1944
• Died: March 12, 2014
• Assignments:
- St. Patrick’s, Gallitzin (1970-72)
- St. Mark’s, Altoona (1972-75) - St. John’s, Bellefonte (1975-79) - Sacred Heart, Johnstown (1979-82) - St. Benedict, Johnstown (1982-86) - St. Luke’s Institution for evaluation (1986) - Sisters of Sacred Heart, Cresson (1986-87) - suspended, 1987.
• Findings: In 1979, a 10-year-old boy met with Bishop Hogan at his parents’ request and told the bishop that Coleman practiced hypnosis and “would invite little boys to spend the night at the rectory” at St. John’s Church in Bellefonte. Coleman was transferred to Sacred Heart in Johnstown, where the hypnosis and abuse recurred. In 1982, Coleman was moved to St. Benedict Church in
Johnstown, and while there “molested at least three 13-year-old boys.” After a change in bishop from Hogan to Adamec, Coleman was sent to the Sisters of Sacred Heart convent in Cresson. In 1987, the report says, Adamec wrote to Coleman, in part: “While the diocese is in the process of trying to deal with the situation outside of civil court, you have been observed to continue to associate with young men both in private and in public.” Adamec found Coleman work at the Cambria County Courthouse, but public reaction was strong and the plan was dropped. “Neither Hogan or Adamec ever reported Coleman’s conduct to law enforcement,” the report says.
Rev. James B. Coveney
• Born: Jan. 18, 1937
• Status: unknown
• Assignments:
- St. John Gaulbert, Johnstown (1964-68)
- St. Benedict’s, Geistown (1968-71) - SS. Cyril and Methodius, Windber (1971-72) - St. Patrick, Gallitzin (1972-unknown) - St. Joseph’s, Portage (1985-88) - Holy Family, Colver (1988-unknown) - board of directors for Bishop Carroll High School (1988-unknown) - St. Mark’s and Penn State-Altoona Campus, Altoona (2000-unknown) - senior priest (2011).
• Findings: Fondled the genitals of a 10-year-old boy at St. Joseph’s Church in Portage in 1986; reported to Bishop Adamec 10 years later; Coleman denied the allegation and said he had been cleared after similar accusations in 1988 involving five seventh-grade boys.
Rev. William Crouse
• Born: Dec. 26, 1930
• Died: July 11, 2009
• Assignments:
- Combini College, Ethiopia (1959-64)
- St. Joseph’s, Georgia (1964-65) - Sacred Heart Seminary, Ohio (1965-68) - Verona Feathers of Mount Claire, New Jersey (1968-70) - Military Fort, Gordon, Georgia (1970-71) - Long Bingh, Vietnam (1971-72) - Fort Meade, Maryland (1972-75) - Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico (1975-77) - St. Mary’s, Altoona (1977-79) - St. John Evangelist, Bellefonte (1979-80) - chaplain at SCI-Rockview (1980-87) - St. Kateri Tekak, Penns Valley (1987-2002) - therapist evaluation and medical retirement, 2002.
• Findings: Sodomization of a boy at Verona Feathers of Mount Claire, New Jersey, reported in a letter to Bishop Adamec in 2002; victim said Crouse would give him alcohol, and one time a second priest also molested him. “There is no record Adamec reported this matter to authorities or attempted to identify the other priest,” the report said.
Rev. Mario Fabbri
• Born: May 19, 1902
• Died: unknown
• Assignments:
- Teacher in San Francisco (1931-32)
- seminary teacher, Richwood, California (1932-34)
- teacher in Tampa, Florida (1934-35) [BA: Mary Help of Christians School for Orphan Boys]
- Italy (1936-48) - St. John Gaulbert, Johnstown (1948-53) - Our Mother of Sorrows, Johnstown (1953-55) - Italy – last known location (1955).
• Findings: Raped a ninth-grade boy in the rectory of St. John Gaulbert, Johnstown, in 1950; victim, then in his 70s, contacted the diocese in 1999 wondering if there had been other victims; presumed dead as last known location was “somewhere in Italy.”
Rev. Edward Figurelle
• Born: March 29, 1933
• Died: July 16, 2008
• Assignments:
- St. Mary Immaculate Conception and Bishop Guilfoyle High School, Altoona (1963-69)
- St. Leo, Altoona (1969-71) - St. Rose of Lima, Altoona (1971-73) - St. Joseph’s, Renovo (1973-74) - St. Michael’s, West Salisbury (1974-79) - St. Mary Immaculate Conception, Altoona (1979-95) - St. Catherine, Mount Union (1995-2003) - St. Luke’s Institute (2003).
• Findings: Arrested for indecent exposure in 1973 in Altoona; subject of federal child pornography investigation in 2003, admitted to FBI agents that he was “fascinated with male genitalia”; served 15 months in federal prison.
Rev. Joseph Gaborek
• Born: June 30, 1945
• Status: Dismissed from priesthood
• Assignments:
- St. Benedict’s, Geistown (1971-72)
- SS. Peter and Paul, Philipsburg (1972-73) - St. Joseph’s, Portage (1973-76) - part-time religious teacher at Bishop Carroll High School, Ebensburg (1973-74) - St. Agnes, Lock Haven (1976-80) - St. John Cantius, Windber (1980-81) - St. Michael’s, West Salisbury, and St. Mary’s, Pocahontas (1981-84) - sabbatical at Orchard Lake School (1984) - St. Thomas More, Roaring Spring (1984-87) - St. Luke’s Institute (1987) - suspended from ministry, 1988 - dismissed from priesthood, 2004.
• Findings: In 1982, sexually violated a 16-year-old boy who was working at St. Michael’s Church, West Salisbury, and St. Mary’s Church, Pocahontas – both during overnight stays at the rectory and in St. Mary’s church; state police at Somerset investigated because victim’s “grandmother was pushing the issue,” Bishop Hogan wrote in “secret archives”; was seen with “youthful boys” in the Nanty Glo and Twin Rocks areas; “would have been prosecuted and convicted,” but was sent to Michigan for treatment; testified before grand jury on Feb. 10, 2015, saying, “... the thing today, it’s the child. The emphasis is on the victim, the child,” whereas earlier “it was like you protect the institution, you protect the priest, teacher”; prosecuted for corruption of minors in 1998.
Rev. Bernard Grattan
• Born: Feb. 14, 1944
• Status: dismissed from priesthood
• Assignments:
- St. Joseph’s, Renovo (1975-77)
- Holy Rosary Church, Juniata, and chaplain at Altoona Hospital (1977-78) - St. Patrick’s, Newry (1978-88) - St. Patrick’s, Gallitzin (1988-95) - St. John Vianney Institute (1994) - Chaplain at Altoona Hospital (1995-2002) - medical leave, 2002 - dismissed from priesthood, 2004
• Findings: Believed to have molested “numerous young males over his 25 years as a priest,” the report says; recent report made in 2008; grand jury reports the Allegation Review Board and Sister Marilyn Welch “acted more as an investigator against the victim”; while hospital chaplain in Altoona, Grattan “sexually offended an incapacitated patient”; testified May 19, 2015, before the grand jury and admitted touching the penis of a teen altar boy in Newry.
Rev. Leonard Inman
• Born: May 7, 1928
• Died: June 1, 2001
• Assignments:
- St. Rose of Lima, Altoona (1961-63)
- part-time teacher at Bishop McCort High School (1963-67) - Catholic Charities, Altoona (1963-71) - Cathedral of Blessed Sacrament, Altoona (1971-86) - St. Luke’s Institute for treatment, 1986-87 - St. Peter’s, Somerset (1987-89) - St. Charles/Immaculate Conception, Altoona, and retired (1989)
• Findings: Raped “at least one man” and then “paid other young men for sex” in Altoona from 1971-86; forced a minor to engage in oral sex in the church rectory; report says Bishop Hogan “was very aware that Inman was raping children” and “conspired to obstruct a police investigation”; police confirmed “Inman was paying 18-year-olds for sex”; Peter Starr, Altoona police chief, testified before grand jury on Jan. 23, 2015, said diocese put up “roadblocks” to investigation; grand jury found “alarming evidence that the Altoona police themselves turned a blind eye to Inman’s crimes,” while Hogan “made sure the diocese avoided public scrutiny and Inman avoided accountability.”
Rev. Robert Kelly
• Born: March 2, 1948
• Status: suspended from active ministry
• Assignments:
- Our Lady of Victory, State College (1974-78)
- Our Mother of Sorrows, Johnstown (1978-79) - chaplain at SCI-Rockview (1979-80) - St. Benedict, Johnstown (1980-82) - St. Joseph’s, Bellwood, and Our Lady of Lourdes, Altoona (1982-84) - Our Lady of Victory, State College (1984-85) - St. Mary Immaculate Conception, Altoona (1985-86) - St. Patrick’s, Gallitzin (1986-87) - Immaculate Conception, Lock Haven (1987-89) - North American College, Rome (1989-92) - Guest House Treatment Facility (1992-unknown) - St. John Vianney Institute (1993-unknown) - Office of Propagation of Faith, Hollidaysburg (1994) - St. Rose of Lima, Altoona (unknown-1995) - SS. Peter and Paul, Philipsburg (2001-15) - suspended from ministry, 2015
• Findings: While parish priest from 1975-77 at our Lady of Victory, State College, he sexually abused a 12- to 13-year-old boy; suspended by Bishop Mark Bartchak in February 2015; questioned by grand jury on Feb. 10, 2015, and pleaded the Fifth Amendment when asked why a boy would lie about alleged abuse.
Rev. George D. Koharchik
• Born: Nov. 28, 1948
• Status: suspended from ministry
• Assignments:
- St. Clement, Johnstown (1974-84)
- St. Joseph’s, Portage (1984-86) - St. John the Evangelist, Bellefonte (1986-87) - St. Emerich and St. Casimir, Johnstown (1987-95) - St. Joseph’s, Portage (1995-99) - St. Mary’s and SCI-Huntingdon (1999-2006) - St. Catherine of Siena, Mount Union (2006-12) - placed on restrictive ministry and entered St. John Vianney Institute (2012) - resigned as pastor, 2012
• Findings: grand jury concludes that Koharchik “is certainly a child predator”; reportedly “desensitized children to to sexual topics by playing Bill Cosby tapes; appeared March 17, 2015, before grand jury and admitted having sexual contact with a minor in 1994.
Rev. William J. Kovach
• Born: March 10, 1929
• Status: retired
• Assignments:
- St. Joseph’s Renovo (1955-57)
- St. Michael’s, Clarence (1957-59) - St. Stephen’s, Johnstown (1959-61) - St. Patrick’s, Newry (1961-62) - St. Michael’s, Clarence (1962-88) - St. Luke’s Institute, 1988 - Most Holy Redeemer, Revloc (1988-2001) - retired from public ministry, 2001
• Findings: Accused of molesting a minor male in 1982; admitted conduct to Bishop Hogan; appeared before Grand Jury on March 17, 2015, and said he admitted the conduct “because it happened, that’s why.” Was asked if he had ever been asked to discuss “issues involving pedophiles in the Catholic Church,” and answered, “No.”
Msgr. Anthony M. Little
• Born: June 20, 1954
• Status: suspended from active ministry
• Assignments:
- Our Mother of Sorrows, Johnstown (1982)
- Cathedral of Blessed Sacrament and Penn State-Altoona Campus, Altoona (1987) - St. Mary Immaculate Conception, Altoona (1990) - St. Edward’s, Barnesboro (1992) - Most Precious Blood, Emeigh (1992-93) - St. Theresa, Altoona (1995) - St. Patrick’s, Newry (2002) - placed on restricted ministry, 2013 - St. Luke’s Institute, 2014-15
• Findings: Alleged to have abused a male minor numerous times before 2013, when placed on restricted ministry by Bishop Bartchak; was known for “whispering into the victim’s ears during family gatherings and visits,” according to the report.
Rev. Francis E. Luddy
• Born: April 3, 1942
• Status: dismissed from priesthood
• Assignments:
- St. Mark’s, Altoona (1967-69)
- St. John Gaulbert Cathedral, Johnstown (1969-70) - St. Patrick’s, Johnstown (1970-72) - Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Altoona (1972-75) - St. Theresa’s, Altoona (1975-80) - St. Mary’s, Windber (1980-87) - Foundation House Servants of the Paraclete Treatment Facility (1987)
• Findings: Report says, “Between 1969 and 1984, Francis Luddy molested, groped, masturbated, sodomized and performed oral sex on at least 10 children between the ages of 10 and 17”; “Perhaps no single priest is a better representation of the misguided direction of church leadership”; Report said Bishop Adamec “rebutted” concerns about Luddy because the “bright lights” would be on the diocese; report says Adamec knew Luddy had abused at least 10 Catholic children while serving as a priest; only records of prosecution are a dismissed case in Somerset County; faced civil jury trial in the 1990s that resulted in a $1.2 million ruling for victims.
Msgr. Thomas Mabon
• Born: July 14, 1926
• Died: July 28, 2015
• Assignments:
- St. Joseph’s, Renovo (dates unknown; also taught at high school)
- St. Patrick’s, Gallitzin (1963-64 - also taught at Bishop Carroll High School) - assistant principal, Bishop Carroll High School, Ebensburg (1964-67) - assistant superintendent of schools for the diocese (1967-69) - superintendent of schools for the diocese (1969-87) - St. Boniface Church, St. Boniface (1973-76) - St. Mary’s, Hollidaysburg (1976-93) - Our Mother of Sorrows, Johnstown (1993-2001) - in counseling, 2003, then cleared for return to active ministry
• Findings: Accused of molesting an altar boy in Hollidaysburg; in a 2005 report, accused of groping a teenage girl and rubbing against her at St. Mary’s in Hollidaysburg; reportedly told the girl to tell no one because “everyone will believe you instigated it.”
Msgr. Joseph D. Maurizio
• Born: Aug. 22, 1945
• Status: incarcerated
• Assignments:
- St. Rose of Lima, Altoona (1987)
- Our Mother of Sorrows, Johnstown (1988) - St. Michael’s, Johnstown (1989) - St. John’s and St. Mary’s, Windber (1990) - St. Casimir and St. Emerich, Johnstown (1991) - St. Andrew’s, Johnstown (1993) - Good Samaritan and Memorial medical centers, Johnstown (1996) - Our Lady Queen of Angels, Central City (2003-14).
• Findings: Convicted in 2015 in U.S. Federal Court of crimes committed during trips to the Honduras from 1999-2009; “provided money or candy to minor boys in an orphanage and engaged in unlawful sexual activities,” according to indictment; scheduled for sentencing on Tuesday.
Msgr. Francis B. McCaa
• Born: Dec. 21, 1924
• Died: May 24, 2007
• Assignments:
- St. John Gaulbert, Johnstown (1948-55)
- Our Lady of Lourdes, Altoona (1955-61) - Holy Name, Ebensburg (1961-85) - evaluation by doctor, 1985 - Veterans Hospital, Martinsburg, West Virginia (1986-1993) - St. Alphonso Retreat (1992) - retired from ministry, 1993.
• Findings: Report calls McCaa “a monster” who groped and “fondled the genitals of numerous children” who attended or served at Holy Name Church, Ebensburg; “Numerous former altar boys reported that McCaa would make them take their pants off under their cassocks” and then “reach under their religious vestments to touch and squeeze their genitals”; one boy reported the abuse to his mother, who slapped him and said the priest “was just being friendly”; the grand jury identified as many as 15 victims, and said McCaa was “a formidable figure and the boys felt like there was no escape”; the report accused Bishop Hogan of having full knowledge of McCaa’s action, and that the bishop met with Gerard Long and Patrick Kiniry of the Cambria County District Attorney’s Office – both are now judges; on Sept. 14, 2015, Long told the grand jury that he had no knowledge whether his assistants met with the diocese but called his assistants “pretty strict Catholics”; on Jan. 12, 2016, AG’s office staff met with Kiniry, who said any decision to not pursue charges against McCaa would have been made by the DA. Kiniry called Cambria “an extremely Catholic county” and said of the diocese, “back then, the diocese moved the problem, that’s just how it was.”; report estimates McCaa’s victims number “in the hundreds.”
Rev. Martin McCamley
• Born: Nov. 8, 1936
• Status: retired, living in Florida
• Assignments:
- St. Patrick’s, Johnstown (1962-unknown)
- St. Columba’s, Johnstown (summer 1970) - Our Mother of Sorrows and St. Columba’s, Johnstown, and vice principal of Bishop McCort High School (1977-88) - St. Clement, Johnstown (1988-unknown) - Church of the Visitation, Johnstown (1992-unknown) - Our Lady of Victory, State College (1995-unknown) - evaluations, 2001 and 2003 - retired from ministry in 2004
• Findings: Bishop Hogan informed in 1981 that McCamley had been accused of fondling the genitals of a 16-year-old boy; McCamley served the diocese another 25 years; sexual partner of Rev. James Bunn, who also appears in this report; both priests accused of abusing the same 13-year-old boy in Johnstown; accused in 2008 of abusing a boy in the rectory at St. Patrick’s Church in Johnstown, and also in a car.
Rev. Regis Myers
• Born: May 15, 1926
• Died: Jan. 13, 2011
• Assignments:
- St. Mary’s Immaculate Conception, Altoona (1954-63)
- part-time instructor at Altoona Catholic High School (1955-unknown) - St. Catherine Siena, Duncansville (1963-91) - retired as senior priest, 1991
• Findings: Encouraged young man to live with him at Third Order Regulars of Franciscan Friars in Hollidaysburg, “under the auspices of being his housekeeper”; Myers reportedly called the boy into his room while he was nude and invited the boy to shower with him.
Rev. Daniel F. O’Friel
• Born: June 3, 1935
• Died: Dec. 15, 1981
• Assignments:
- St. John’s, Johnstown (1961-63)
- St. Rose of Lima, Altoona (1963-67, also part-time instructor at Bishop Guilfoyle High School) - St. Patrick’s, Gallitzin and assistant principal at Bishop Carroll High School, Ebensburg (1967-70) - Mount Saint Ann, Ebensburg, and principal at Bishop Carroll High School (1970-74) - St. Mary’s Immaculate Conception (1974-81)
• Findings: As principal at Bishop Carroll, would touch a 16-year-old boy’s genitals and have the boy touch his while they discussed the boy’s sexual encounters with a girlfriend; victim reported abuse to diocese in 2004; similar abuse occurred with another male student at Bishop Carroll; second victim moved to State College and was propositioned there by another priest in this report, Rev. Robert Kelly, then sought counsel from a third priest, Rev. James Coveney, also listed in this report.
Rev. John Palko
• Born: Aug. 4, 1941
• Died: May 31, 2005
• Assignments:
- Holy Name, Ebensburg (1967-73)
- St. Anthony’s, South Fork (1973-80) - St. Mary’s, Gallitzin (1980-88) - St. John Cantiius and St. Mary’s, Windber (1988-93) - St. Mary’s Immaculate Conception, Altoona (1993-2005).
• Findings: Woman reported to the diocese in 2002 that she had been “taken advantage of” by Palko when she was a 16-year-old student at Bishop Guilfoyle High School some years earlier; diocese actively investigated the victim and took no action against the priest, report says.
Rev. Gerard Ream
• Born: May 22, 1928
• Died: April 18, 2008
• Assignments:
- Our Lady of Victory, State College (1954-61)
- St. Aloysius, Cresson (1961-63, also teacher at Bishop Carroll High School) - St. Mary’s, Frugality (1963-64) - chaplain at Mercy Hospital, Altoona, and teacher at Bishop Guilfoyle High School (1964-65) - St. Boniface Church, St. Boniface, and teacher at Bishop Carroll High School (1965-67) - St. Michael’s, Hollidaysburg, and principal at Bishop Guilfoyle High School (1967-72) - resigned as principal, 1992 - Corpus Christi, Dunlo (1992-95) - retired as senior priest, 1995.
• Findings: Report says Ream “took an interest” in a female student while at Bishop Carroll in 1966, counseled her and helped her with college finances; the priest had sexual intercourse with her at her university, and grew angry when she began dating a male student; she reported the relationship to the diocese in 2008.
Rev. William Rosensteel
• Born: Feb. 12, 1943
• Died: June 26, 2007
• Assignments:
- St. Leo’s, Altoona (1969)
- St. Patrick’s, Johnstown (1969-73) - St. Mary’s Immaculate Conception, Altoona (1973-86, also a teacher at Bishop Guilfoyle High School) - St. Patrick’s, Gallitzin (1986-88) - St. Patrick’s, Newry (1988-2002) - Holy Rosary, Altoona (2002-2007) - resigned from parish after accusations, 2007.
• Findings: Reports says Rosensteel’s victims list “is long and tragic”; began assaulting a boy who was 9 at St. Patrick’s Church, Johnstown, in the early 1970s; victim reported abuse only after his parents had died; Rosensteel is identified with Rev. Dennis Coleman, also noted in this report, as both used comedy albums for various boys; victim reportedly refused to enter a sauna with Rosensteel and two other clergy, fearing all three would rape him; Rosensteel then told the victim’s parents he was a bad child; an older boy associated with Rosensteel raped the victim, saying “this is for Father Rosensteel”; diocese told in 2007 that at least nine boys had been abused; Rosensteel committed suicide by jumping 190 feet from a bridge into the Stonycreek River.
Rev. James F. Skupien
• Born: June 1, 1941
• Died: Feb. 11, 1996
• Assignments:
- St. Joseph’s, Portage (1966-68)
- Cathedral of Blessed Sacrament, Altoona (1968-69) - assistant principal, Bishop Guilfoyle High School, Altoona (1968-72) - principal, Bishop Guilfoyle (1972-82) - St. Joseph’s, Williamsburg (1977-83) - St. Joseph’s, Bellwood (1983-95) - retired, 1995.
• Findings: Caught by police partially clothed in a diocesan car with a young man in 1981; Skupien said he believed the boy to be 18, and “no further investigation was done at the expressed direction of the Cambria County District Attorney”; grand jury identified the boy from the car 35 years later, and learned Skupien “engaged in a long-term oral sex-for-cash arrangement” in and around Williamsburg; in 2008, a man came forward to accuse Skupien of forcing him to engage in oral sex from 1968-71.
Rev. Joseph Strittmatter
• Born: jan. 11, 1931
• Died: Aug. 21, 2014
• Assignments:
- Teacher, Johnstown Catholic School (1956-59)
- Sacred Heart, Altoona (1959-61) - St. Agnes, Lock Haven (1961-63) - St. Theresa, Altoona (1963-67) - St. John’s, Acosta (1967-81) - St. Matthew’s, Tyrone (1981-87) - St. Mark’s, Altoona (1987-92) - medical leave, 1992.
• Findings: Accused of molesting young girls while a priest, explaining that he abused a 6-year-old because he was never “taught” about sex; said he was “trying to learn about sex” when accused of molesting an 8-year-old girl; accused of masturbating at a female parishioner in the confessional between 1987 and 1992.
Rev. Benedict Wolfe
• Born: Jan. 6, 1916
• Died: April 20, 1997
• Assignments:
- St. Stephen Church, McConnellsburg (1962-90)
• Findings: Sexually molested a 17-year-old girl who was visiting family in 1979; contacted the girl later and urged her to move there; she contacted the diocese “while in therapy years later.”