| Priest Takes Boys" Nude Photos, Abuses Them during Scout Lessons
By Haidee V Eugenio
Pacific Daily News
October 12, 2017
In this Pacific Daily News file photo dated Aug. 15, 1965, Louis Brouillard is shown filming footage in an outdoor setting. In the full frame of the picture, which is cropped, boys, some in Boy Scouts uniforms, stand around Brouillard.
Father Louis Brouillard allegedly took nude photos of boys, and groped and touched their private parts during swimming at the Lonfit River and Ypao Beach around 1975 or 1976, a lawsuit filed Thursday afternoon in local court states.
The latest plaintiff, identified in court documents only as G.E. to protect his privacy, said Brouillard, on numerous occasions, would fondle him in the water and then instruct him to sit on the priest's lap after swimming to be fondled again.
At the time of the alleged sexual abuse and molestation, G.E. said he was a Boy Scout and attended the Barrigada parish. He was about 11 or 12, the lawsuit states.
After church, he would visit the parish for regular Boy Scouts meetings with Brouillard at the priest's office and in the church basement.
G.E., now 54 is represented by attorney Michael Berman. His lawsuit states Brouillard would swim naked with the boys, whom he instructed to also swim naked.
The lawsuit states Brouillard would grope and touch their private parts, as well as take their photos while naked, without their permission. The complaint states Brouillard would reward the boys afterward, with trips to McDonald's or King's Restaurant.
"At the time that Brouillard was engaging in these repeated criminal acts because Brouillard was a priest, G.E. thought it must be acceptable behavior. Over time, he began to realize how wrongful Brouillard's behavior was and tried to repress this memory," the lawsuit states.
The priest's acts left a deep and sad scar on G.E., now a father of eight children, the lawsuit states. G.E. has been very protective of his children, where they go and who they go with, it states.
G.E.'s complaint brings the official count to 132, the number of clergy sex abuse lawsuits filed in local and federal court against the Archdiocese of Agana, clergy and others associated with the Catholic church.
Many of them including, G.E., also sued the Boy Scouts of America and its Aloha Council Chamorro District and Brouillard. G.E. demands a jury trial and $10 million in minimum damages.
Reporter Haidee Eugenio covers Guam's Catholic church issues, education, business and more. Follow her on Twitter @haidee_eugenio. Follow Pacific Daily News on Facebook/GuamPDN and Instagram @guampdn.