Former priest for the Diocese of El Paso allegedly admits to sexual misconduct with a minor
By Mauricio Casillas
August 21, 2017
Former priest Miguel Luna. Courtesy: Diocese of El Paso |
[with video]
EL PASO, Texas - The Diocese of El Paso announced on Monday Miguel Luna, a former priest, allegedly admitted to sexual misconduct with a young girl in the 1980s.
The victim reached out to the diocese in November of 2016, and the Diocese conducted an investigation.
"It is directly contradictory to the sacrificial love to which a priest has committed himself before God," Bishop Mark Seitz said. "I am deeply sorry for the pain caused by these actions of Miguel Luna, and ask those who know of other situations of misconduct or abuse to please inform law enforcement and the Diocese."
Luna was removed from ministry back in 2013.
"There had been some accusations against him that would probably be labeled sexual harassment," Seitz said. "We determined after an investigation from the review board that he needed simply to be removed from ministry."
The Diocese said Luna was ordained July 1, 1982. Here is where Luna has served:
Blessed Sacrament
Corpus Christi
Our Lady of Assumption
Our Lady of Peace -- Alpine
San Antonio De Padua
San Lorenzo
St. Joseph Mission -- Fort Davis
St. Mary Mission -- Marathon
St. Matthew
St. Pius X
St. Thomas Aquina
St. Thomas/St. Joseph -- Kermit
The Diocese of El Paso said it is reaching out to all of its parishes to learn if there any more potential victims. The victim who came forward in 2016 wishes to stay anonymous and is not pressing charges.
"We have informed the El Paso Police about this case, about Luna. They're ready with their Crimes Against Children, that respond and would help any victims who come forward to them after this notification." Seitz said.
Seitz said the Diocese wants to be proactive and warn parishioners about Luna, but he admits news like this is difficult for the Catholic church.
"I think it certainly scandalized a lot of people and hurt them in their understanding of the church," Seitz said. "It's hurt their confidence in the church in someways because priests represent the church. It's just a very sad and hurtful thing for everybody in the church. It's something that breaks my heart."
The Diocese of El Paso is asking potential victims who wish to come forward to call (915) 872-8465.