A digest of links to media coverage of clergy abuse. For recent coverage listed in this blog, read the full article in the newspaper or other media source by clicking “Read original article.” For earlier coverage, click the title to read the original article.

December 31, 2016




Jehovah’s Witnesses are confronting allegations of a widespread child sexual abuse coverup, mostly centered around a database of abusers that critics say are managed by their Brooklyn Watchtower Bible and Tract Society headquarters, a property recently purchased by Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Trey Bundy, a reporter for investigative radio program Reveal, has spent the last few years following the case, and he recently sat down with WNYC to share some of his most recent findings. Bundy claims that Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is a highly secretive organization with underground tunnels that link it to at least 30 other properties in the area. Inside, he says, leadership can access a roll call of sexual abuse cases involving Jehovah’s Witness members.

“It’s the nerve-center of a multi-billion dollar corporation that has interests in publishing, in real-estate….it’s the head of a religion with eight million members, but it’s this very secretive place.”

Bundy alleges that Jehovah’s Witness leadership has been ordering its congregation to keep incidents of sexual abuse within the church for at least 25 years. He references a series of memos that Watchtower has emitted: one, from 2012, makes the statement, “Not every individual who has sexually abused a child in the past is considered a ‘predator.’” Another recent one from 2014 shows a continued push to keep such inquiries within the organization.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Clayton Jennings Sex Scandal Update: Jennings Ends Renewal Process With Mentor Tony Nolan

Gospel Herald


Last month, evangelist and spoken-word poet Clayton Jennings was in the middle of a sex scandal that involved him and several women who accused him of seducing them into an intimate relationship before marriage. Due to the scandal, Clayton Jennings stepped away from his from his ministry even as his license was revoked by his home church.

Clayton Jennings also posted a video, entitled “Confessions” on his social media pages where he admitted to the wrongdoings during ministry. Also in the video is an announcement by Tony Nolan, who is a mentor to the celebrity evangelist. In the video, Nolan informed the viewers that Jennings has decided to submit himself to a repentance and renewal process under the guidance of Tony Nolan.

Just weeks later, the video was taken down from Clayton Jenning’s pages, and Tony Nolan announced that Clayton is no longer undergoing the renewal process with him, but has instead opted to use the services of a secular team.

Last week on his Instagram page, Tony Nolan wrote,”To update previous communication, with [a] heavy heart, I inform you Clayton Jennings has chosen to end the repentance/renewal process with me.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Evangelist Clayton Jennings Steps Away From Ministry After Multiple Sex Partners Come Forward

Christian Post

Dec 1, 2016

Clayton Jennings, a youth evangelist, author and actor who rose to fame in 2011 after his self-produced film “Strayland” became a hit, has stepped away from his ministry after several women came forward alleging he engaged in extra-marital sexual relations with them.

In a series of articles in the Polemics Report, blogger JD Hall highlighted the confessions of a number of women who claim Jennings, 28, wooed them into sexual sin while plying them at times with alcohol and pushing the use of the morning-after pill to limit the possibility of a career-ending pregnancy. The Christian News Network suggested at least six women have come forward so far.

“I told him I had never been in a serious relationship and so had never been with a guy physically that way before. He would then take my hands in an effort to ‘teach me what to do.’ I felt like a broken record telling him that I was a virgin and wanted to save myself for marriage,” one woman alleged of her experience with Jennings before he was married.

“We didn’t actually have sex, but I was pressured into being sexually intimate with him in other ways. I told him that it was my belief that sexual favors (of all forms) outside of marriage is a sin against God. He would stare at me with such a confused look on his face as he assured me ‘No, it’s not the same’ and because of his authority as a ‘minister,’ I believed him and gave in.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Promiscuous Preacher Caught in Sex Scandal Aims for New Year Comeback Despite Elders’ Counsel

Christian News Network

By Heather Clark on December 30, 2016

A self-described evangelist, author and poet who had his ministerial credentials revoked last month after confessing to sexual indiscretions with multiple women, including at least one of his followers, has decided to reject the counsel of his now former elders and found a new church—announcing a comeback.

Clayton Jennings, who stepped down from ministry just last month but changed his mind weeks later, announced this week in a YouTube video that he has “so much planned for next year.” He also advised on Monday that his publisher will soon release his new book and that he has another “huge announcement” in the works.

“For all of you asking about my book, I had the publisher back up the release date to later this year to be launched with another HUGE announcement. Stay tuned! Can’t wait for you guys to read this,” Jennings wrote. “Until then, you can get my poetry cd here…”

Jennings also released a newly-produced new spoken word/poetic video on Tuesday outlining that he has battled depression for 10 years, and advising that he had lied in the past when asked if he was on medication. The video shows clips of Jennings re-enacting holding a bottle of pills, and attempting to drown himself in the bathtub or in the lake, reaching out for a hangman’s noose or cutting his wrist.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Top 10 of 2016 | No. 1: Report alleged diocese covered up sex abuse


By Dave Sutor

The Tribune-Democrat is counting down the top stories of 2016, as determined by the newsroom staff who covered them. One story appeared each day in print and e-editions through the end of the year.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Altoona–Johnstown allegedly covered up the sexual abuse of children for decades.

Victims were violated by at least 50 priests and other religious leaders, while the church, led by former Bishops James Hogan and Joseph Adamec, reportedly took steps to protect the accused from facing justice, according to a grand jury report released by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General in March.

The report, culled from “secret archives” and interviews, rocked the diocese and local Catholic community.

“As wolves disguised as the shepherds themselves – these men stole the innocence of children by sexually preying upon the most innocent and vulnerable members of our society and of the Catholic faith,” the document states.

However, due to Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations laws, many of the living accused priests might never face criminal charges or civil complaints. Victims in Pennsylvania who were under the age of 18 when abuse occurred can file civil charges until age 30. Criminal charges can be brought until age 30 for individuals born before Aug. 27, 2002. The age limit extends to 50 for alleged victims born after Aug. 27, 2002.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Former B.C. Catholic teacher sues church, alleging sexual assault by priest four decades ago

Toronto Star

By The Canadian Press
Fri., Dec. 30, 2016

VANCOUVER—A former elementary school teacher is suing a diocese of the Roman Catholic church, alleging she was sexually assaulted by a priest while working at a church-run school four decades ago in Kamloops, B.C.

The woman alleges in a notice of civil claim that she sought psychological and spiritual advice and counselling from Rev. Erlindo Molon soon after she began teaching at Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

She alleges in the lawsuit filed in British Columbia Supreme Court that Molon, who was about 20 years her senior, exploited and sexually assaulted her several times over several months.

“The sexual assaults … were without her consent, resulting from his abuse of the power and exploitation of the trust and psychological intimacy inherent to the relationship between an older priest and a young pious parishioner,” the statement of claim says.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

December 30, 2016

La larga lucha de un hombre para develar el abuso que sufrió hace más de 30 años

La Nación [Argentina]

December 30, 2016

By Nicolás Cassese

Read original article

Ocurrió a fines de los 70 y la víctima es un ex alumno del Newman; el director del colegio pidió disculpas

Un día de semana a fines de 1980, Rufino Varela, que entonces tenía 15 años, cargó una escopeta y la apuntó a su cabeza con la idea de dispararla. Era tarde y estaba solo en el cuarto que compartía con su hermano menor, Ramiro, en su casa de Don Torcuato, donde vivía con sus padres y sus seis hermanos. La entrada providencial de su madre a la habitación –llevaba la ropa recién planchada– evitó la tragedia y desató el drama.

“José me abusa”, le dijo Rufino, hundido en lágrimas. Su madre pegó un alarido de dolor y al rato llegó su padre, que echó a José de la casa. Según el recuerdo de Rufino, su abusador tendría entonces unos 23 años. Había trabajado de albañil cuando construyeron la casa, se ganó la confianza de la familia y se quedó como casero durmiendo en un anexo del cuarto de herramientas, que estaba en el parque. Con el acuerdo de sus padres, José llevaba a Rufino en viajes de pesca y otros paseos, donde lo sometía y lo amenazaba para que no contase.

La mirada torcida de José Antonio Moreira –así dice Varela que se llamaba– mientras abandonaba la casa fue la última imagen que tuvo de la persona que abusaba de él desde hacía cuatro años.

–Eso habrá pasado a las 7 de la tarde –recordó Varela en la primera de varias entrevistas que mantuvo con LA NACION–, después nos sentamos a cenar. Nunca más se habló del tema.

–¿Ni con tu madre, ni con tu padre, ni con tus hermanos?


Varela, de 52 años, está casado y tiene dos hijos. Es un hombre risueño, amable y muy cariñoso con sus hijos. También es ciclotímico, ansioso y algo desconfiado. Fue profesor de tenis, ahora importa muebles de jardín y su 2016 resultó muy movilizante: en apenas unos meses se mudó, su hija mayor se casó y rompió el silencio en el que había sumergido los abusos sufridos hace más de 30 años.

El maremoto emocional generado por el destape de su drama –que durante décadas ocultó hasta de su mujer– está afectando su vida familiar, pero también a uno de los colegios más tradicionales de la Argentina. Varela era alumno de la primaria del Cardenal Newman cuando comenzaron los abusos y, según su propio testimonio, en séptimo grado se acercó al capellán del colegio y, en confesión, le dijo lo que le estaba pasando.

Varela cuenta que Finnlugh Mac Conastair, o el padre Alfredo –como llamaban al capellán irlandés, el primero de los religiosos del Newman con los que habló–, no sólo no lo ayudó, sino que, al enterarse en confesión de los abusos que sufría en su casa, lo llevó a su cuarto –vivía en el colegio, debajo de la capilla– le hizo bajarse los pantalones, lo acostó boca abajo en su catre, le puso una almohada en la cabeza, le dio diez azotes con algo que no vio, pero que cree que era un cinturón de cuero, y le manoseó los genitales mientras le preguntaba detalles sexuales.

Según el relato de Varela, esto ocurrió un día de colegio de 1977, cerca del mediodía, cuando tenía 12 años y estaba en séptimo grado.

–“Ya estás en paz y esto es un secreto entre nosotros y Dios”, me dijo el padre Alfredo cuando terminó. Después agarró unos caramelos masticables que tenía en una bolsa sobre la mesa y me los quiso dar, pero le metí un codazo y salí corriendo. Volví a la clase llorando –recordó.

Varela había acudido al cura en busca de ayuda, de alguien con quien hablar, pero se encontró con un nuevo abuso. Desde entonces, el silencio que guardó fue aún más opresivo.

“¿Cuántos otros caramelos se repartieron de esa bolsa?”, quiere saber hoy Varela. Esa exacta pregunta fue la que les hizo a las autoridades actuales del Newman en las seis reuniones que mantuvo con ellos durante 2016. Además de saber si hay otras víctimas (él cree que sí), Varela quería que el colegio hiciera un pedido público de disculpas, algo a lo que el Newman, hasta ese momento, no había accedido. Su intención, dice, es ayudar a otros a sanar las heridas que dejan los abusos y el silencio que suele acompañarlos.

Años después del abuso del padre Alfredo, ya en tercer año del secundario, le contó a otro de lo religiosos del Newman, Desmond Finegan, lo que le había pasado con el capellán del colegio y lo que le seguía ocurriendo en su casa. Según Varela, Finegan le dijo que debía perdonar a Alfredo “porque estaba viejo”.

El Newman fue fundado en 1948 por los Christian Brothers, una orden religiosa irlandesa que llegó a tener cientos de colegios alrededor del mundo. En los últimos tiempos, varios de sus integrantes aparecieron involucrados en casos de abuso de menores en diferentes países.

En 2011, Philip Pinto, que entonces estaba al frente de la orden, admitió que el futuro de los Christian Brothers era incierto por el alto costo de las indemnizaciones que tuvieron que pagar por abusos sexuales y el daño a la reputación de la orden que esos casos habían generado. El 19 de junio de 2012, el Newman organizó una cena de recaudación de fondos para ayudar a las maltrechas finanzas de los Christian Brothers.

Desde el año 2000, el Newman depende de una asociación de padres. Es uno de los pocos colegios de Buenos Aires que se mantienen solo para varones; de allí egresaron el presidente Mauricio Macri y algunos de los principales funcionarios de su gobierno.

–Desde que nos enteramos, en mayo, de lo que le había pasado, nuestro objetivo número uno siempre fue acompañar a Rufino. Y lo seguirá siendo. Diga lo que él diga –afirma Alberto Olivero, director del colegio Newman, en su despacho (ver aparte).

–Nos asesoramos con un psiquiatra que es de lo mejor que hay acá, Alfredo Painceira –sigue Olivero–, y él nos dijo que lo peor que le podía pasar a Rufino es que esto se hiciese público, porque lo que él está necesitando es un tratamiento psicológico.

–Más allá de la opinión sobre lo que le puede hacer bien o mal a Varela: ¿cuál cree que fue la responsabilidad del colegio?

–Nosotros por supuesto que pedimos disculpas por lo que Rufino ha sufrido acá en el colegio: lo que pasó con el padre Alfredo, el castigo físico que sufrió y el hecho de que el colegio no lo acompañó, ni lo supo contener.

Según Olivero, en sus conversaciones Varela nunca le habló del abuso sexual que sufrió a manos del padre Alfredo. Por eso, él sólo se refiere a “castigos corporales”. Varela dice que no le dio detalles a Olivero, pero que le dejó bien claro que no habían sido sólo latigazos, que también hubo abuso sexual.

En lo que sí coinciden ambos es en cómo se dio el primer encuentro entre ellos dos y cuál fue el disparador para que la historia comenzase a destaparse: una nota periodística que anunciaba que una tradición indicaba que el Newman debía coronar el león de su escudo para celebrar que Mauricio Macri, uno de sus egresados, había llegado a la presidencia. El colegio nunca coronó su león, pero Varela igual le escribió por Facebook a Olivero, a quien no conocía. “La corona debería ser de espinas”, le dijo.

Alarmado por el mensaje, Olivero convocó a Varela a la primera reunión en el Newman. Fue el 24 de mayo de este año. Según la reconstrucción de Varela, las autoridades del Newman se mostraron preocupadas y, además de ofrecerle un tratamiento psicológico, o lo que hiciese falta para aliviar su dolor, también le preguntaron si tenía otra motivación para hacer público su caso, una posibilidad que Varela les anticipó. Querían saber si guardaba animosidad contra el colegio, la religión o incluso a Macri. Varela les dijo que no, que lo único que él quería era ayudar a otras víctimas.

Siempre según el relato de Varela, Olivero, con quien entabló una intensa relación a través de reuniones, llamados y mensajes de WhatsApp, fue contenedor y empático, pero, hasta hoy, nunca había cedido en lo principal: el pedido público de disculpas, algo a lo que accedió después de que Varela decidió hacer público su caso.

Las conversaciones tuvieron un giro inesperado con la aparición de un personaje del pasado: John Burke, un Christian Brother que era director del colegio en la época en que Varela era alumno y que ahora tiene 74 años y vive en Irlanda, donde, según informó el propio Olivero, viajó para encargarse de las negociaciones por los escándalos de abuso que hoy acechan a la orden.

Las autoridades actuales del Newman se comunicaron con él para preguntarle si sabía algo del caso. Burke les confirmó que sí sabía. Se lo había contado en su momento Finegan, el Christian Brother con el que Varela habló en tercer año del secundario para transmitirle sus problemas.

Según el relato que Burke le hizo a Varela y a Olivero, Finegan, que murió en 2014, le dijo que un alumno le había contado que el padre Alfredo lo había azotado, pero que, por pedido del chico, no podía decir quién era. Sin conocer la identidad de la víctima y en lo que aparenta ser una perversa casualidad, Burke convocó al padre de Rufino, Florencio Varela, para que lo asesorase sobre qué hacer.

Florencio Varela, que murió en 2006, fue juez de menores y tenía buena relación con los Christian Brothers, así que el pedido era lógico. En 1981, Burke retiró al padre Alfredo del Newman sin informar las causas ni hacer la denuncia. Lo trasladaron a la vicaría de San Cayetano, en José León Suárez, provincia de Buenos Aires. Murió en 1997, a los 88 años. No era Christian Brother, sino que pertenecía a la orden de los Pasionistas.

Varela dice que es cierto que habló con Finegan cuando estaba en tercer año del secundario, pero que le dijo todo: los abusos de su casa y también el del padre Alfredo.

Más que tranquilizarlo, los detalles que Varela recibió de Burke y Olivero lo agitaron aún más. “Según sus explicaciones, tengo que aceptar que mi padre murió sin saber que cuando accedió con usted y el obispo a encubrir al padre Alfredo (el victimario), la víctima era su propio hijo”, le recriminó Varela a Burke en un mail redactado en inglés el 29 de mayo pasado.

Una semana después, el 7 de junio, Burke le contestó en una carta, también en inglés, con membrete de los Christian Brothers: “Por favor entienda que mi principal interés (en la reunión con Florencio Varela) era buscar un consejo con la idea de sacar al cura del colegio. Mi intención nunca fue que haya lo que usted llama un «encubrimiento»”, dijo.

Varela tuvo dos reuniones en el Newman con Burke que, a fines de octubre de este año, viajó a Buenos Aires para hablar con él. Fueron amables, pero infructuosas. LA NACION envió un mail con preguntas que Burke recibió, pero que nunca contestó.

Rufino Varela

Víctima de abuso sexual

“Yo tenía 11 años y José me llevó a pescar al río Luján. Armamos el fuego, la carpa y esa misma noche lo tuve encima, abusándome. Ahí mismo me amenazó para que no contase.”

“Cuando leí que, por el triunfo de Macri, el Newman le iba a poner una corona al león del escudo, le escribí a Olivero, el director del colegio, para decirle que la corona debía ser de espinas por el abuso al que me había sometido el padre Alfredo.”

Con la colaboración de Fernando Massa

Nicolás Cassese

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Florida Supreme Court won’t hear 1980s priest sex abuse case from South Florida

Daily Record

Friday, December 30

By The News Service of Florida

The state Supreme Court on Thursday declined to hear a case involving allegations about sexual abuse by priests in the 1980s in South Florida.

The plaintiff in the case, identified by the initials W.D., filed a lawsuit in Broward County against the Archdiocese of Miami and the St. Bernadette Home & School Association Inc., alleging he was sexually abused by three priests while he was a child.

A circuit judge dismissed the complaint, at least in part finding the lawsuit was barred by a statute of limitations.

A three-judge panel of the 4th District Court of Appeal upheld the circuit judge’s ruling, prompting the plaintiff to go to the Supreme Court.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Pope Francis gets a C+ on reforming Vatican Curia

National Catholic Reporter

Thomas Reese | Dec. 29, 2016 Faith and Justice

Pope Francis has talked a lot about reforming the Vatican Curia, but in reality, he should be given only a C+ for his achievements.

True, he has done some important things.

First, he has changed the very nature of the College of Cardinals by ignoring traditional cardinalatial sees and, for the most part, appointing as cardinals bishops who reflect his own views.

In the past, there were certain archdioceses that everyone presumed would be headed by a cardinal archbishop. Even if a pope’s predecessor appointed the archbishop, the new pope was expected to promote the archbishop of a cardinalatial see to a red hat.

Pope Francis has ignored this tradition and passed over cardinalatial sees like Venice, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles to appoint bishops in places that rarely if ever have had a cardinal, like Indianapolis. He chooses the man rather than the place.

This is the most revolutionary thing Francis has done in terms of church governance. He is doing everything possible to make sure that his legacy is continued by insuring his successor is someone who reflects his views. If he had simply promoted the holdovers of John Paul and Benedict, it would have been much harder to protect his legacy, granted that his papacy will probably not be a long one.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Minn. Diocese Says Insurers Must Cover Sexual Abuse Cases

By Kat Sieniuc
Law 360

Law360, New York (December 5, 2016, 4:40 PM EST) — The Diocese of Duluth asked a Minnesota bankruptcy court on Friday to find Liberty Mutual Group and a slew of other insurers liable as it defends a number of sexual abuse claims against local clergy, saying such allegations are covered under its insurance policies.

The diocese, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last December, said the insurers have so far shirked their legal obligations to cover the cost of multiple underlying suits claiming the Minnesota district is liable for damages stemming from alleged negligence related to accusations of sexual abuse within the church.

The various multiyear insurance policies the diocese has with Liberty and the other insurers — Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America, Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co., Church Mutual Insurance Co. and The Continental Insurance Co. — require the companies to pay out on “all sums that the diocese becomes legally obligated to pay as a result of bodily injury, as long as any part of the injury took place during the policy period,” the plaintiff said.

The insurers are also liable, under the various policies, for all defense costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, that have built up over the course of the investigation and litigation of the underlying suits, the diocese said in its complaint.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

15th sex abuse case filed

Guam Daily Post

Neil Pang | Post News Staff

A 15th survivor of child sexual abuse has come forward and filed a lawsuit claiming that a local clergyman sexually molested him when he was an altar boy, and that high-ranking officials within the Archdiocese of Agana did nothing to stop it.

According to court documents filed by attorney David Lujan, Edward Chan became the 15th complainant to file a civil suit under provisions of Public Law 33-187. The 45-year-old Washington resident alleged that the abuse took place while he was an altar boy in the 1980s and named former Guam priest Raymond Cepeda as his abuser.

Statements attributed to Chan in the suit allege that the abuse took place in 1987 when he was 15 years old. At the time, Cepeda was a priest at the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica.

Introductory allegations described in court documents state that Cepeda fondled and masturbated Chan at the Pastoral Center of the cathedral where Chan had gone for a scheduled counseling session with Cepeda following morning Mass.

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Child protection goes global from the ground up

Catholic Courier

By Carol Glatz
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Some parts of the world see swift attention paid to victims of sexual abuse and others still experience delays or a mishandling of allegations.

This imbalance, one Jesuit expert has said, reflects how years of papal pleas and Vatican mandates have not been received or implemented consistently everywhere.

Because the church’s typical top-down approach in getting the message out may not be enough, Jesuit Father Hans Zollner is spearheading a complementary course: a global alliance built and grown from the ground up by individual priests, religious and laity along with Catholic universities, religious orders and bishops’ conferences.

Father Zollner, president of the Center for Child Protection at Rome’s Pontifical Gregorian University, told Catholic News Service in late December of the center’s plan to launch the new alliance in the coming months.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

December 29, 2016

Mother and baby homes inquiry has cost €3.73m to date

Irish Times

Sarah Bardon

The commission of investigation into the Mother and Baby homes has cost €3.73 million to date.

The commission, which was established in February 2015, is tasked with investigating allegations of abuse at 14 institutions and four county homes between 1922 and 1998.

Figures released to The Irish Times show the costs of the inquiry, which is chaired by Judge Yvonne Murphy, were €1,485,676 in 2015 and will reach a further €2 million this year.

The majority of the monies has been spent on pay, with salary costs reaching €1.7 million over past two years.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Sex abuse victims may get vote on archdiocese compensation plans

Minnesota Public Radio

Martin Moylan Dec 29, 2016

Sex abuse victims and other creditors of the bankrupt Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis will apparently get to vote on competing compensation plans.

A federal judge has approved summaries of two plans, and such approval is a prerequisite for a vote.

One plan comes from the archdiocese, which says the church provides the maximum financial compensation possible for abuse victims. That would be at least $155 million and potentially more than $160 million, according to the church.

But the committee representing abuse victims backs a different plan, contending the church and its insurers could come up with much more money.

“The survivors get a voice and a vote,” said attorney Jeff Anderson, who represents hundreds of abuse survivors. “It gives them a chance to have a voice and fight the plan that the archdiocese is trying to cram down on them.”

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Fired Grand Chancellor vows to fight “for justice”

Church Militant

by Christine Niles, M.St. (Oxon.), J.D. • ChurchMilitant.com • December 29, 2016

ROME (ChurchMilitant.com) – Pope Francis is continuing with his investigation into the internal affairs of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, in spite of the Grand Master’s reminder that he has no authority or jurisdiction to do so.

At a private meeting held Thursday in Munich, Albert von Boeselager, the deposed Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Malta, reportedly said, “I’m demoralized by what’s happened, but I want to fight for justice.”

Von Boeselager was removed from his position in a December 6 meeting with Cdl. Raymond Burke, patron of the order, who had discovered von Boeselager had been involved in distributing condoms through Malteser International, the group’s charitable arm. The investigation had been spearheaded by Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute, who presented his findings to Burke in early November.

Von Boeselager has since loudly complained that the termination violated the Knights’ constitution, and Pope Francis established a commission December 22 to look into the matter.

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Former teacher sues ex-priest over alleged sexual assaults

AM 730

Estefania Duran
December 28, 2016

A former teacher at Our Lady of Perpetual Help School in Kamloops during the 70s, alleges a Reverend sexually assaulted her.

She’s filed a notice of civil claim in B.C. Supreme Court against the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Kamloops and the retired priest.

She claims Father Erlindo Molon exploited her and repeatedly performed sexual acts – including intercourse – over a period of approximately eight months.

According to the document, Molon was about 20-years her senior.

The claim says the complainant disclosed the incidents to the Bishop of the Diocese at the time – who allegedly failed to take responsible steps to stop future incidents.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Former OLPH teacher alleges she was sexually assaulted by priest

Kamloops This Week

By Tim Petruk – December 29, 2016

A former elementary schoolteacher is suing the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kamloops and a retired priest, alleging sexual abuse at his hands while she taught at Our Lady of Perpetual Help four decades ago.

The woman has filed an eight-page notice of claim in B.C. Supreme Court, claiming sexual abuse at the hands of Father Lindo Molon and an apparent coverup by then-Bishop Adam Exner.

In the document, the woman claims to have been vulnerable when she began teaching at the North Shore school in 1976.

Her claim describes Molon as her superior at the school.

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Argentine abuse case: Pope Francis ‘lives outside of reality’

The Freethinker

The Pope and the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are keeping schtum about the arrest in Argentina of a priest arrested on suspicion of child rape.

The Independent reports that Pope Francis had been told as early as 2014 that the Rev Nicola Corradi, 82, had been reassigned to a school in Argentina despite earlier accusations of abuse in Italy.

Corradi was arrested in late November alongside four other men following allegations of abuse at the Antonio Provolo Institute for hearing-impaired children in Mendoza province.

He was named in a scandal that hit the institute’s Verona school in Italy in 2009, when 67 students alleged they had been abused. The Verona diocese apologised to students there and the Vatican sanctioned four priests, though not Corradi.

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FBI: Baldwin City priest remains under investigation after allegations of visiting websites ‘depicting minors’

Lawrence Journal-World

By Conrad Swanson
December 29, 2016

More than three months after a Catholic priest in Baldwin City was suspended due to allegations of inappropriate conduct, investigators are still looking into the matter.

FBI spokeswoman Bridget Patton said Thursday morning that the investigation into the activities of the priest, Chris Rossman, is ongoing. Because the case is still active, Patton said she could not release additional information.

Rossman, 44, was suspended from his position at both Annunciation Church in Baldwin City and the St. Francis of Assisi Church in Lapeer in September after the Archdiocese of Kansas City received a report that he had visited “inappropriate websites” that were “depicting minors.”

The Archdiocese did not say where the report came from, nor did it elaborate on the nature of the websites.

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Questions Surround Jehovah’s Witness HQ and Allegations of Sex Abuse


[with audio]

Dec 29, 2016

A years-long investigation into allegations of child sex abuse in the Jehovah’s Witness organization has also uncovered a culture of secrecy at its Watchtower headquarters in Brooklyn.

Last summer, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, developer Jared Kushner, bought the property. The Jehovah’s Witnesses, meanwhile, have been building a massive compound upstate in Warwick, New York, where they plan to relocate.

Trey Bundy, a reporter for Reveal, from the Center for Investigative Reporting, has been investigating the Watchtower for two years. Watchtower leaders refused to talk to him, but he was able to talk to a former insider about it.

“It’s the nerve-center of a multi-billion dollar corporation that has interests in publishing, in real-estate….it’s the head of a religion with eight million members, but it’s this very secretive place,” he said.

Bundy says the Jehovah’s Witnesses also have a database that potentially contains the names of thousands of child sex abusers.

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Uno de los curas de Mendoza también fue denunciado por abusar de un menor en La Plata


[One of Mendoza’s priests was also reported for abusing a child in La Plata.]

Se trata del italiano Nicola Corradi, quien se desempeñó en el propio colegio Provolo de la ciudad bonaerense entre las décadas del 80 y 90. El denunciante, de 42 años, aseguró que las vejaciones sexuales se habían convertido en algo cotidiano en la entidad
29 de diciembre de 2016

Nicola Corradi, el sacerdote italiano de 82 años que recibió decenas de acusaciones por abuso sexual infantil en el Instituto Provolo para niños sordos en la provincia de Mendoza, sumó una nueva denuncia. Esta vez se trata de un supuesto delito cometido por el cura durante su paso por la ciudad de La Plata.

Un ex alumno del propio Instituto de la capital de la provincia de Buenos Aires presentó una denuncia en la fiscalía especializada en Trata de Personas y Pedofilia de la ciudad contra el llamado “padre Nicolás”, quien se desempeñó en la entidad platense durante las década del 80 y del 90.

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Office of the Supreme Grand Bishop

I am the OLD but NEW voice for the thousands of silent Blacks nationwide in America, victims of Catholic priests pedophiles. No longer shall We former Black Catholics remain silent from our pains as victims and witnesses. #ALL BLACKS SEXUALLY ABUSED CATHOLIC CHILDREN & ADULTS LIVES MATTER

The Catholic Church has paid out billions, apologized to yourselves, raped, molested, and sexually abused your very own white children, brothers to neighbors children, white women, then turned to finish off Blacks and Hispanics, like savages.

The U.S. government will never pay that forty acres and mule to Blacks as promised. But, the Catholic Church shall compensate and pay ALL Blacks victims and witnesses like me.

We stand against the Catholic Churches of the World. We demand payment for being made Black Children sex slaves, forced on our hands, knees, and backs, crying in pain. My Black mother, the St. Joseph Catholic School teacher was the first victim, because I was a child molested behind her back in the church and school.

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Where Should Sex Offenders Go?

The Jewish Press

By: Rabbi Yakov Horowitz
Published: December 28th, 2016

“Does a guy who committed a sex offense have no place to live for the rest of his life? What should he do now?”

This question, taken from an e-mail I recently received, was just one of the many challenges community leaders are grappling with nowadays as awareness about child safety is (thankfully) growing. Here are some others:

* Should registered offenders be permitted to enter synagogues? And if so, under what conditions?

* What about people who pled guilty to child abuse charges, but were not given the status of sex offenders as part of their plea deal?

* Is it ethical for people to “chase” offenders away from their neighborhood by making things very uncomfortable for them? Isn’t this just passing the problem along, often to unsuspecting communities?

These issues need to be addressed and we would be well served by having respectful discussions of these highly charged topics in our public squares.

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Christian priest in Chennai gets 14-year RI for child abuse

Siasat Daily

TIRUNELVELI: Tirunelveli court sentenced a Christian priest to 14 years of rigorous imprisonment for sexually abusing minor girl children at a home on Wednesday.

The 57-year-old accused clergyman, Fr Stephen Joseph of Nazareth in Thoothukudi district was running a home for the poor and deserted children at Mookkuperi village.

He was charged of sexually abusing the girls at the home. In 2012 the Thoothukudi district administration has closed the home and arrested the priest.

The case came up before second additional district court, Tirunelveli, for judgment after the completion of the trial.

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A look back at Bishop Lennon’s legacy


Andrew Horansky, WKYC December 28, 2016

CLEVELAND – When Bishop Richard Lennon first came to Cleveland 10 years ago, he seemed to be leaving one mess behind and inheriting another.

For three years he had served as the Apostolic Administrator to the Archdiocese of Boston. Cardinal Bernard Law had just resigned there at the height of the church’s sexual abuse crisis.

In Cleveland, Lennon found himself facing even more pushback from the community, after being forced to make tough decisions when it came to closing down dozens of parishes.

To the media, he often seemed distant and granted interviews only rarely.

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15th clergy sex abuse suit filed against archdiocese

Pacific Daily News

Dana M Williams , Pacific Daily News December 29, 2016

A 15th accuser filed a civil lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Agana on Thursday, saying he was sexually abused by a former priest in 1987.

Washington state resident Edward Roberto Chan, 45, is suing former priest Raymond Cepeda and the archdiocese. According to the lawsuit, Chan became an altar boy in 1983, at the age of 12. When he was 15, he was scheduled to be counseled by Cepeda, who was the priest at the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica. After morning Mass, Chan stayed to help Cepeda clean the church before heading to the pastoral center for counseling. While at the pastoral center, “Edward was sexually molested and abused by Cepeda,” the lawsuit states.

In 2010, the archdiocese reported that Cepeda had been removed as a priest after it investigated “serious allegations” of sexual abuse allegedly committed by him, according to Pacific Daily News files. At the time, the archdiocese said he had also been reported to civil authorities.

The lawsuit contends the archdiocese “knew that Cepeda had sexually abused and molested Edward and other minor children for years, and rather than reporting the matter to law enforcement and without intervening so as to prevent Cepeda from engaging in additional instances of sexual abuse … for years they assisted Cepeda with the specific purpose or design to keep Cepeda’s misconduct hidden and secret.”

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15th lawsuit filed against church naming former priest with history of sexual abuse

Pacific News Center

Written by Janela Carrera

Raymond Cepeda was stripped of his title and laicized in 2009 after he was accused of sexual abuse.

Guam – A 15th lawsuit has been filed against the Archdiocese of Agana and names a former clergy member who’s been accused of sexual abuse before in the suit as well.

The lawsuit was filed by Edward Roberto Chan who’s now 45 years old against the archdiocese and former priest Raymond Cepeda.

Chan alleges that Cepeda molested him in 1987 when he was just 15 years old. Chan says that it happened at the Cathedral Basilica’s pastoral center where Cepeda was supposed to counsel Chan.

In his lawsuit, Chan says the archdiocese is liable as well because they knew that Cepeda was a sexual predator who molested several other altar boys but did nothing about it.

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Ex-youth pastor accused of sex crimes remains jailed

The Eagle

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. (AP) — A former youth pastor at a metro Atlanta church remains jailed without bond on child molestation, statutory rape and sexual battery charges.

Gwinnett County police said Nicholas “Nick” Kelley, 34, who worked at New Bridge Church in Lawrenceville, had a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl.

Police say Kelley began fostering a relationship with the child as a counselor in December 2015, and that led to sexual contact taking place at the church and in local parks.

Investigators say that after the girl’s parents found out, Kelley on Tuesday told the pastoral staff at New Bridge Church about the relationship, and the staff contacted police.

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15th person accuses clergy of sexual abuse


Updated: Dec 29, 2016

By Krystal Paco

Just days before the new year and yet another lawsuit has been filed against the Archdiocese of Agana for allegations of child sex abuse. Now residing in Vancouver, Washington, 45-year-old Edward Roberto Chan was like the others. As a child, he served as an altar boy. His parish was San Vicente Ferrer-San Roke church in Barrigada.

And like the others, he was a victim of child sex abuse in the church. His alleged abuser was former priest Raymond Cepeda.

According to court documents, Cepeda was removed as a priest in 2009 or 2010. Prior to his removal, he was a priest at the Dolce Nombre De Maria Cathedral-Basilica in Hagatna. According to court documents, Chan was about 15 when he was sexually molested by Cepeda. Chan had attended mass at the Agana Cathedral, which was to be followed by counseling from Cepeda.

Instead of counseling, Chan alleges he was fondled and masturbated in the pastoral center.

He marks the 15th victim to sue the Archdiocese of Agana. He joins Robert Aguon Perez, Norman Aguon, Leo Tudela, Bruce Diaz, Vicente Perez, Vicente San Nicolas, Anthony Vegafria, Walter Denton, Roland Sondia, Roy Quintanilla, Sonny Quinata, Paul Joseph Borja, James Bascon, and Ramon Afaisen De Plata. As the number of victims grows, so does the number of alleged abusers.

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December 28, 2016

Pastor suspected of abusing girl; police believe there may be more victims

The Record

By Jason Anderson
Record Staff Writer

STOCKTON – Stockton police have arrested the pastor of a local church on suspicion of sexually assaulting a young girl, and investigators believe there are additional victims.

Oscar Rodriguez-Gutierrez, 51, was arrested on suspicion of lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age, authorities said. He is being held at San Joaquin County Jail with bail set at $3.85 million.

Detectives suspect Rodriguez of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl. The Stockton Police Department identified Rodriguez as the pastor of a local church, but at this time investigators are not revealing the name of the church he is affiliated with, said Community Service Officer Rosie Calderon, a spokeswoman for the Stockton Police Department.

The investigation into the alleged sexual abuse is ongoing, police said. Detectives believe there are more victims. They are encouraging anyone with information regarding the investigation to call the Stockton Police Department at (209) 937-8377, Detective Pilar Battaglini at (209) 937-8165 or Crime Stoppers at (209) 946-0600.

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New Orleans East pastor’s retrial on molestation charge set for March

The Times-Picayune

By Ken Daley, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune

A New Orleans East pastor accused of molesting a young male member of his congregation is set to be tried for a second time in March.

Court records show Kevin Boyd Sr., the 47-year-old “presiding bishop” of The Church At New Orleans, is to stand trial again March 27 on a charge of recurring molestation of a juvenile. The scheduled retrial would come 16 months after a six-person jury deadlocked on the same case after a weeklong trial concluded Nov. 17, 2015.

Verdicts from a six-person jury — used when the charges under consideration don’t necessarily mandate hard labor — must be unanimous under state law. The panel in Boyd’s first trial declared itself hopelessly hung after about four hours of deliberations. Boyd, described in his first trial as a “monster” by state prosecutors, has remained free on a $300,000 bond.

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Religious orders owe state €15m in properties

The Times (UK)

Seán McCárthaigh
December 19 2016
The Times

Religious orders have yet to transfer properties worth about €15 million to the state under an agreement reached 14 years ago as part of the child abuse redress scheme.

The state is still waiting to take possession of 11 sites out of a total of 64 properties identified under the 2002 agreement, according to new figures from the Department of Education.

The updated data show that 50 properties, worth €48.4 million, have been transferred. It equates to just over 76 per cent of the total monetary value of properties due to be given to the state as redress for the victims of child abuse in former industrial schools run by religious orders.

Seán Ó Foghlú, the department’s secretary-general, said six sites had been transferred since September last year.

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Kramerbooks and Afterwords

1517 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036 · Just Above Dupont Circle · Q St. Metro Exit
Tuesday, January 10th 6:30pm


Catholic Women Confront Their Church tells the stories of nine exceptional women who have chosen to remain Catholic despite their deep disagreements with the institutional church.

From Barbara Blaine, founder of Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP), to Sister Simone Campbell, whose Nuns on the Bus tour for social justice generated national attention, the book highlights women whose stories illustrate not only problems in the church but also the promise of reform. The women profiled span a diverse range of ages, ethnicities, and experiences single and married, lesbian and straight, mothers and sisters. The women profiled share one trait that faith is bigger than the institutional church. The book’s Introduction provides readers with an essential overview of the history of women in the church, and the Conclusion looks at the potential for future change. Ideal for anyone who has struggled with the Catholic church’s relationship with women, this moving book offers hope.

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Assignment Record– Rev. John B. Berning


Summary of Case: John B. Berning was ordained for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati in 1934. He assisted at parishes in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Middletown and Dayton, then led parishes in Mechanicsburg, North Lewisburg, Lebanon and Waynesville. He retired in 1970 and relocated to St. Petersburg FL.

In 2003 a man filed suit, claiming Berning sexually abused him as a boy from 1957 to 1965, while the priest was pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in the Cincinnati neighborhood of Sedamsville. Five more men subsquently sued, claiming abuse by Berning at two different parishes in the 1950s and 1960s. Berning admitted to archdiocesan officials that he had abused children during his priesthood. He died in FL at age 97 on November 19, 2004.

Born: July 26, 1907
Ordained: 1934
Retired: 1970
Died: November 19, 2004

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Archbishop Hebda on gratitude, bankruptcy and restoring trust

Minnesota Public Radio

[with audio]

Tom Weber, Jo Erickson Dec 28, 2016

The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis hopes to emerge from bankruptcy in 2017 while continuing to rebuild trust with Catholics dismayed by the priest sex abuse scandal.

In an interview with MPR News host Tom Weber, Archbishop Bernard Hebda said the work to gain trust will never truly end. However, he was pleased with recent statements from the judge in the case and the Ramsey County Attorney’s office that the archdiocese is making progress.

Last weekend, Hebda delivered his first Christmas Mass since becoming the archbishop for the Twin Cities.

He spent a year as a temporary administrator, which many, including Hebda, assumed would last a short time. Then Pope Francis surprised everyone by assigning Hebda to the Twin Cities Archdiocese permanently.

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Georgia teen suffers breakdown over fears her parents would discover youth pastor’s rape

Raw Story

28 DEC 2016

A Georgia teenager was so fearful her parents would learn she was being raped by her youth pastor that she suffered a nervous breakdown.

The 14-year-old girl met Nicholas Kelley through New Bridges Church, in Lawrenceville, when the 34-year-old began counseling her in December 2015, reported WXIA-TV.

The relationship turned sexual over the summer, police said, and the girl snuck out of her home Monday to be with Kelley but was hospitalized due to her anxiety about her parents.

Her parents learned Tuesday that the youth pastor had raped their teenage daughter, and they called church leaders.

Kelley then admitted to the pastoral staff that he had engaged in sexual activity with the girl at church and in local parks, police said.

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New Bridges Church youth pastor arrested, charged for relationship with 14-year-old

Gwinnett Daily Post

By Cailin O’Brien

Gwinnett County police arrested a youth pastor at a Lawrenceville church Tuesday on charges that he carried on an inappropriate relationship with a 14-year-old girl.

Police said Nicholas Kelley, 34, began his relationship with the girl when he counseled her at New Bridge Church in December of last year. The relationship “turned sexually inappropriate” this past summer, according to Gwinnett County Police Cpl. Deon Washington.

“The sexual contact took place at the church and at various parks in Gwinnett County,” Washington said.

New Bridge Church said in a statement the inappropriate behavior “occurred outside of scheduled church meeting and events, which allowed the accused to circumvent safety procedures established as church policy” to protect students.

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Ex-youth pastor accused of sex crimes involving girl, 14

San Antonio Express-News

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. (AP) — A former youth pastor at a suburban Atlanta church is jailed on child molestation, statutory rape and sexual battery charges, authorities said Wednesday.

Nicholas “Nick” Kelley, 34, who worked at New Bridge Church in Lawrenceville, had a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl, Gwinnett County police said.

Kelley began fostering a relationship with the child as a counselor in December 2015, and that led to sexual contact taking place at the church and in local parks, police said in a statement.

After the girl’s parents found out what was happening, Kelley on Tuesday told the pastoral staff at New Bridge Church about the relationship, and the staff contacted police, police said.

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Youth pastor admits to ‘inappropriate physical interactions’ with 14-year-old girl

11 Alive

Jessica Noll, WXIA December 28, 2016

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. – Church youth pastor, Nicholas Kelley was arrested this week for sexual misconduct with a 14-year-old girl—admitting to church elders, he did have “inappropriate physical interactions” with her.

Kelley, 34, who was, until Dec. 27, a youth pastor at New Bridges Church in Lawrenceville, Ga., began a relationship with the teenager when he was her counselor in December 2015.

Police said this summer, that relationship turned sexual, and took place at the church and in parks in throughout Gwinnett County.

The relationship came to light when the teenaged victim snuck out of her house to be with Kelley on Dec. 26, and had a nervous breakdown, because she was fearful, police say, that her parents would find out about the relationship.

She was taken to the hospital for her breakdown and that’s when, police said, her parents uncovered the relationship that she was having with Kelley.

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Se investiga una nueva denuncia por abuso sexual contra el sacerdote Rosa Torino

El Tribuno

[A young man who studied at the institute operated by priest Agustin Rosa yesterday formalized a complaint of sexual abuse against the priest. Rosa has already been charged with abusing other young people.]

Un joven que cursó estudios en el Instituto formado por el religioso, formalizó ayer su denuncia por abuso sexual. A partir de esto, la fiscalía podría ampliar la imputación, mientras espera la resolución del pedido de prisión preventiva.

La fiscal penal 2 de la Unidad de Delitos contra la Integridad Sexual, María Luján Sodero Calvet, informó que el día lunes se presentó ante la Oficina de Orientación y Denuncias un joven y radicó una denuncia por supuestos abusos sexuales en su contra al sacerdote Agustín Rosa Torino y a otro religioso que en ese momento vivía en el Sur del país.

La denuncia fue ratificada ayer ante la Fiscalía y en su exposición, el joven brindó detalles de hechos sucedidos en el sur del país y de lo sucedido en Salta, que involucra al imputado Rosa. Según señaló la fiscal, ya se tomaron algunos testimonios aportados por el denunciante y para mañana está previsto que preste declaración como testigo de esta causa, la ex religiosa Sarza.

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Una nueva denuncia recae sobre el padre Agustín Rosa

Informate Salta

[A new complaint falls on Father Agustín Rosa.]

El abogado defensor Raymundo Sosa confirmó que uno de los testigos expresó a la fiscalía su deseo de hacer una tercera denuncia. “Son todas personas que estuvieron en el convento, es la única relación,” dijo.

Si bien Raymundo Sosa, abogado defensor del padre Agustín Rosa, aclaró que la situación de su defendido sigue siendo la misma que la semana pasada, en las últimas horas se conoció una nueva denuncia en el caso.

“Recibí un llamado telefónico de fiscalía a donde me dicen que uno de los testigos quiere hacer una denuncia, pero no sería directa contra el padre sino contra otra persona que ya se nombraba y que no está en el país,” indicó el letrado a Canal 4- Cableexpress.

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Holy Father Pope Francis grants Bishop Richard Lennon retirement status

Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

December 28, 2016

Bishop Daniel Edward Thomas from Toledo appointed as Apostolic Administrator

Click HERE to watch press conference live at 10am on Dec. 28, 2016.

Holy Father, Pope Francis, has granted Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon early retirement status, accepting his resignation from the pastoral governance of the diocese. Bishop Lennon made the request for early retirement in a letter to Pope Francis in late November citing his ongoing health challenges as the reason for his decision to retire. The mandatory retirement age for bishops in the United States is 75.

Pope Francis also appointed the Most Reverend Daniel Edward Thomas as the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Cleveland, effective immediately. Bishop Thomas currently serves as the bishop of the Diocese of Toledo, Ohio. As Apostolic Administrator, Bishop Thomas was chosen to administer the affairs of the Diocese of Cleveland until such time that the Holy Father makes a permanent appointment. While overseeing the governance of the Diocese of Cleveland, Bishop Thomas will continue serving in his role as bishop of Toledo.

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI named Bishop Lennon to the leadership position over nearly 700,000 Catholics in eight counties of the Diocese of Cleveland on April 4, 2006. Bishop Lennon became the 10th Bishop of the diocese at a Mass of Installation at St. John the Evangelist Cathedral on May 15, 2006.

Bishop Lennon attended Boston College before entering St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, Massachusetts where he received Master of Arts degrees in church history and sacramental theology.

Bishop Lennon was ordained to the priesthood in May, 1973 and served in the Archdiocese of Boston as a parish priest, fire department chaplain, assistant for canonical affairs, and rector of St. John’s Seminary.

Ordained as an auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Boston on September 14, 2001, Bishop Lennon was called upon to serve there as Apostolic Administrator for the Archdiocese from December of 2002 to July of 2003.

During his tenure as Bishop of Cleveland, Bishop Lennon established a vision for the Church in the diocese focusing on evangelization with an emphasis on the Gospel. Upon taking office, Bishop Lennon immediately set out to visit all of the parishes and schools in the Diocese. In 2009, he acted on years of planning work developed prior to his arrival in Cleveland and directed a diocesan reconfiguration effort aimed at strengthening the diocese for the future by ensuring diocesan resources would be shared equitably throughout the diocese.

Other accomplishments by Bishop Lennon to improve the diocese included a major capital campaign, the institution of parish and school internal audits, and the establishment of norms on models for Catholic schools and catechetical models for children.

Bishop Thomas was appointed bishop of the Diocese of Toledo by Pope Francis on August 26, 2014. Prior to his appointment in Toledo, Bishop Thomas was an Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), where he assisted the Archbishop in overseeing various curial offices as well as serving as a regional bishop, from 2006 to until his appointment in Toledo.

Ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia by John Cardinal Krol on May 18, 1985, Father Thomas served the diocese as parish parochial vicar and as pastor. Father Thomas was ordained to the episcopacy for service in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on July 26, 2006.

Bishop Thomas was assigned to assist the Archbishop with administrative and diocesan responsibilities including oversight of the Media Affairs Department comprised of the Office for Communications and CatholicPhilly.com; the Office for Clergy including the Department of Permanent Deacons; and the Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood.

Bishop Thomas earned his Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, PA. He received his Licentiate in Sacred Theology, Dogmatic Theology, from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy.

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Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon granted early retirement by Pope Francis


CLEVELAND – Bishop Richard Lennon of the Cleveland Diocese has been granted early retirement by Pope Francis.

Lennon made the request for early retirement in a letter to Pope Francis in late November citing ongoing health conditions as the reason for his decision to retire, according to a news release posted on the Diocese’s website.

It is unclear what health challenges fueled Lennon’s retirement.

The mandatory retirement age for bishops in the United States is 75.

Lennon is 69.

Lennon was appointed to the leadership position over nearly 700,000 Catholics in eight counties of the Diocese of Cleveland in 2006. He became the 10th Bishop of the diocese.

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Pope names Bishop Thomas as administrator of Cleveland Diocese

Toledo Blade

Bishop Daniel E. Thomas will be serving the Diocese of Cleveland in a bishop’s role in addition to his being Toledo’s pastoral leader.

In a Wednesday morning announcement, the Diocese of Toledo stated that Bishop Thomas was appointed by Pope Francis as Apostolic Administrator of the eight-county Diocese of Cleveland after Bishop Richard G. Lennon resigned for health reasons.

Bishop Thomas will have duties in Toledo and the neighboring Diocese of Cleveland, seeing that the diocese continues its religious and administrative operations, until the Pope appoints a new permanent bishop.

When Toledo’s Bishop Leonard Blair was named archbishop of Hartford, Conn., by Pope Francis in December 2013, the Rev. Charles Ritter served as diocesan administrator in Toledo until Pope Francis appointed Bishop Thomas, then a Philadelphia auxiliary bishop, who was installed Oct. 22, 2014.

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WATCH LIVE | Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon resigns, diagnosed with vascular dementia


CLEVELAND — Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon, granting him early retirement status.

“My health has declined to such an extent that I should resign,” Bishop Lennon said at a Wednesday morning news conference.

He also announced he was recently diagnosed with vascular dementia.

“In your kindness, I pray that you pray for me,” he said in his outgoing comments.

The Boston native has been the head of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland for more than 10 years.

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Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon: Pope Francis accepts embattled clergyman’s resignation

CBS News

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Cleveland’s bishop, who, in 2012, was overruled by the Vatican in his bid to close parishes.

The Vatican’s announcement Wednesday about Bishop Richard Lennon’s resignation didn’t indicate when a successor would be named.

CBS Cleveland affiliate WOIO reports the Bishop Daniel Edward Thomas of Toledo will take over Lennon’s duties in the meantime.

Lennon, 69, is six years younger than the age when bishops must offer to resign. He underwent a heart procedure earlier this year.

The Vatican’s rebuff of his plans to shut 12 parishes was a rare instance when Rome reversed a U.S. bishop on such closures. Parishioners had challenged closures, holding sit-ins and even creating a breakaway congregation.

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Cleveland bishop resigns

Catholic Culture

December 28, 2016

Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Bishop Richard Lennon from the governance of the Diocese of Cleveland, the Holy See Press Office announced on December 28.

No reason was given for the resignation, which took place six years before the episcopal retirement age of 75. In February, the prelate underwent emergency cardiac surgery.

Ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston in 1973, Bishop Lennon was named a Boston auxiliary bishop in 2001. In the wake of the clerical abuse scandal and the resignation of Cardinal Bernard Law, Bishop Lennon served as apostolic administrator of the Archdiocese of Boston from December 2002 to July 2003.

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March deadline for Tuam Home submissions

Galway Independent

Tuam Mother and Baby Home residents and former employees have until 1 March 2017 to meet the confidential committee investigating the home and others across the country.

The Tuam Mother and Baby Home was open for 36 years, from 1925 to 1961. The Mother and Baby Home Commission of Investigation would like to hear from anyone who was resident in or who worked in the Tuam Home or any of the other 13 Mother and Baby Homes or four County Homes which are the subject of the investigation.

“We would also like to hear from people who have personal knowledge about the homes, for example, family members of residents, regular visitors or those who supplied services to the homes,” said a Commission spokesperons.

The confidential committee have been meeting former residents in person along with employees and others with relevant information to hear first-hand their experiences of the homes. All meetings are held in private and a Commission spokesperson said that “people who are interviewed are guaranteed confidentiality.” The Commission also welcomes written submissions.

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Pope Francis ‘told about alleged child rapist’ two years before his arrest

Independent (UK)

Prosecutors expect more people to come forward with allegations of abuse

Jon Sharman

Pope Francis was told as early as 2014 that a Catholic priest accused of sexually abusing children in Italy had been reassigned to a school in Argentina, where he has since been arrested on suspicion of child rape.

The Rev Nicola Corradi, 82, was arrested in late November alongside four other men following allegations of abuse at the Antonio Provolo Institute for hearing-impaired children in Mendoza province.

He was named in the scandal that hit the institute’s Verona school in 2009, when 67 students alleged they had been abused. The Verona diocese apologised to students there and the Vatican sanctioned four priests, though not Rev Corradi. In 2014 the students sent the Pope a letter – acknowledged only this year – again naming him as an abuser, living in Argentina.

When Rev Corradi was arrested police reportedly found $34,000 along with magazines featuring naked women in his room.

Two dozen students have said they were attacked by Rev Corradi, the Rev Horacio Corbacho, 55, and three other men at the school in Lujan de Cuyo, a city about 620 miles northwest of Buenos Aires.

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La Iglesia admitió los abusos sexuales del cura Buela contra seminaristas en Mendoza


Por primera vez desde que estalló el escándalo, la Iglesia admitió que las denuncias de abuso sexual y la imputabilidad contra el cura Carlos Miguel Buela son veraces. Se trata del fundador y líder del Instituto religioso del Verbo Encarnado (IVE), quien está acusado de violar a varios seminaristas de la congregación. En el caso, además, está involucrado también el presbítero Fernando Yañez. Ambos ya están alejados de esa orden.

Ante la presión social por la difusión del caso, el Vaticano se manifestó a través de un comunicado leído por el arzobispo de San Rafael, Eduardo María Taussig.

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Institute of the Incarnate Word founder guilty of sexual misconduct


Catholic News Agency December 27, 2016

SAN RAFAEL, Argentina — Father Carlos Miguel Buela, founder of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, has been found guilty by the Vatican of sexual improprieties with adults, the community’s home diocese announced on Monday.

The accusations against Buela “regarded actions in sexual matters which harmed religious and seminarians of the Institute,” a spokesman of the Diocese of San Rafael announced on December 12.

“The competent Congregation of the Holy See, having ensured the exercise of the legitimate right of defense of the accused, determined, in conformity with the canonical procedures in force, the veracity of the accusations and the imputability of Father Buela of improper behavior with adults,” he stated.

The diocese made clear, however, that there are no “cases of the abuse of minors attributable to him.”

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December 27, 2016

Institute of the Incarnate Word founder guilty of sexual misconduct

Wayback Machine Internet Archive [San Francisco CA]

December 27, 2016

By Catholic News Agency

Read original article

SAN RAFAEL, Argentina — Father Carlos Miguel Buela, founder of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, has been found guilty by the Vatican of sexual improprieties with adults, the community’s home diocese announced on Monday.

The accusations against Buela “regarded actions in sexual matters which harmed religious and seminarians of the Institute,” a spokesman of the Diocese of San Rafael announced on December 12.

“The competent Congregation of the Holy See, having ensured the exercise of the legitimate right of defense of the accused, determined, in conformity with the canonical procedures in force, the veracity of the accusations and the imputability of Father Buela of improper behavior with adults,” he stated.

The diocese made clear, however, that there are no “cases of the abuse of minors attributable to him.”

Buela founded the Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE), a religious institute of diocesan right, in San Rafael, Argentina in 1984. Associated with the community is a women’s institute, the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara.

The Vatican also ruled that Buela, who retired as general superior of the IVE in 2010, “is absolutely forbidden to have any contact with members of the Institute of the Incarnate Word.”

“Neither can he make statements, appear in public, or participate in any activity or meeting, whether it is personally or by any other means of communication.”

In late November, the Mendoza Digital website presented the case of a man identified as “Luis” who reported being sexually abused by a priest inside IVE’s Mary Mother of the Incarnate Word Major Seminary in the Diocese of San Rafael.

The diocese stated that as soon as they were informed by the victim, they proceeded with an investigation “with responsibility and speed” and brought the case “to the competent authority of the Holy See.”

The Argentine diocese said that they are currently awaiting the decision of the Holy See and “maintaining a cordial dialogue with Luis.”

Bishop Eduardo Maria Taussig of San Rafael emphasized that “these problems do not tarnish everything that is most important that unites us, which is belonging to the same diocesan Church, to Jesus Christ, and the Gospel.”

“I certainly understand and make my own the pain of all the Incarnate Word family in face of this news, and also as the father of each one of them I am at their disposal,” he said.

Taussig said that “the Institute of the Incarnate Word has a rule approved by the authority of the Church which ensures that whoever follows it can be holy and have a recognized charism, and has in fact a great many works and  in very many parts of the world that are commendable” including “the brothers and sisters who are in Syria under bombardment, with very heroic and noble testimonies.”

The prelate pointed out that IVE “has had difficulties, not just regarding Father Buela, but also with governance,” and so the Holy See intervened in the election of the highest authorities of the institute.

The IVE, he said, “is in a process, accompanied and guided by the supreme authority of the Church, which is a good sign that it will be able to promote everything that is good and put in order the things that have to be corrected.”

The Bishop of San Rafael also pointed out that “a fallen tree should not make one lose sight of the forest that is growing. There are so many good Christians, so many good religious, so many good priests, the bishops and the Pope.”

In addition, he recalled that “the Catholic Church leads the world in procedures and regulations to avoid this kind of abuse of minors and has created a process in the last 15 years which is exemplary and goes to the forefront of everything that is being done in the world.

“Every measure is being taken so that this does not happen again, and in the Diocese of San Rafael, like the Church in general, we have all the resources and alerts well in place to act immediately and if there were someone who wanted to have or had what I call new information he not only has the freedom but also the obligation to make it known and we will do everything that can and ought to be done.”

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Hartford Archdiocese plans to reorganize parishes, close churches as number of Roman Catholics in state drops

New Haven Register

By Ed Stannard, New Haven Register
POSTED: 12/27/16

A number of churches will be closed as the Archdiocese of Hartford solidifies plans to reorganize its 212 parishes, but church officials believe those remaining will be full of vibrant, energized Roman Catholics, focused on the church’s mission of spreading the gospel.

Final plans won’t be announced until spring but, according to a recently issued report, the archdiocese’s initial target is 114 parishes or “pastorates.” Some will have more than one church open for worship; in others, parishes will use a single campus. In each, there will be a pastor who may be assisted by associate priests or deacons, according to the report, “Stewards for Tomorrow,” which has been mailed to 186,000 households in the archdiocese. It can be found at www.stewardsfortomorrow.org.

“In most cases, that decision will be made at a local level,” said the Rev. James Shanley, vicar for pastoral planning for the archdiocese, which encompasses New Haven, Litchfield and Hartford counties. “In some instances the archdiocese might strongly recommend that a church be closed.”

The consolidation is necessary because there are fewer priests and fewer Catholics attending Mass than there were 50 years ago, when immigrants and other Catholics filled churches, Shanley said. “We probably have the right number of priests for the people that are going to Mass at the moment,” Shanley said, but many are nearing retirement age.

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Elderly Man Sentenced to Probation for Child Sex Crimes in Taylor Count


TAYLOR COUNTY, Texas (KTAB/KRBC) – An elderly Ranger man was sentenced to probation and community service after pleading guilty to multiple child sex crimes that happened at a church in Taylor County.

James “Jimmie” Lee Wright, 83, pleaded guilty to two counts of Indecency with a Child on December 20, 2016, and was sentenced to 10 years of probation along with 240 hours of community service, according to online records from the Taylor County Jail.

Wright was also ordered to pay a $1,500 fine and will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

Court documents say the father of a 10-year-old girl went to pick her up from a church on the 100 block of Graham Street in January of 2014, and when he arrived and attempted to enter the recreation room, he discovered something was blocking the door.

When he finally got the door open, the father observed his daughter sitting on Wright’s lap, according to the documents, which say the daughter told her father Wright was touching her inappropriately during play time while “telling her crazy things”.

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Texas man gets off with $1,500 fine for repeatedly molesting 10-year-old girl in church

Raw Story

27 DEC 2016

A Texas man will not do jail time after he was convicted of sex crimes against a 10-year-old girl at a church in Taylor county, KTAB reported.

According to court documents, the girl’s father caught 83-year-old James “Jimmie” Lee Wright molesting his daughter in January 2014.

The father said that he went to pick up the girl at the church and discovered that the door to the recreation room had been blocked. When the man eventually reached his daughter, he said she was sitting on Wright’s lap.

The girl accused Wright of touching her inappropriately and “telling her crazy things.” She said that it was not the first time Wright had molested her at church.

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Sex Abuse Scandal: Victims Of Pedophile Priests Claim Pope Francis Was Made Aware Since 2014

Latin Times

By Tatayana Yomary | Dec 27 2016

Sexual abuse in Catholicism has been a sticky topic over the years with many priests being subjected to rumors and some proven to be guilty of crossing the line with children. While the Vatican has been made of aware of the recent allegations, more troubling news is coming to surface with many people demanding answers.

According to FOX News Latino, alleged victims of Rev. Nicola Corradi said they wrote a letter to the pontiff in 2014 warning him that the purported pedophile had been reassigned to the South American country.

The site reports that the victims’ families contend that the Vatican knew about him since at least 2009, when he was publicly accused of abusing students at the Provolo Institute in Verona, Italy, where he then worked.

We recently reported that Argentine police arrested 82-year old Nicola Corradi, priest Horacio Corbacho, 55, and three other men at the Antonio Próvolo Institute, a school for youths with hearing disabilities in the northwest of the country for sexually abusing the children.

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Barry Meehan, priest facing trial for sexual assault, dies

Providence Journal

By Karen Lee Ziner
Journal Staff Writer

WEST WARWICK — Barry M. Meehan, a former Roman Catholic priest who was facing trial for sexual assault, died suddenly on December 8, according to an obituary printed Tuesday in the Providence Journal.

The Vatican laicized Meehan last year as his case moved forward in Superior Court. A pre-trial conference was set for Jan. 4, according to court records.

Meehan, 67, had lived in West Warwick. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence had no comment, according to spokesperson Carolyn E. Cronin.

Meehan resigned as pastor of St. Timothy’s Parish in Warwick in 2014, when the Diocese announced a finding of “credible allegation of sexual misconduct” with minors that dated back at least 25 years. He denied “any improper activity,” according to a statement from Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas J. Tobin at the time.

Meehan was placed on administrative leave, removed from his priestly duties, and his behavior reported to the Vatican.

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Former priest accused of sexual assault dies

NBC 10

A former priest in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence who was accused of sexual assault has died.

According to an online obituary posted Tuesday by the Providence Journal, 67-year-old Rev. Barry Meehan of West Warwick passed away “suddenly” Dec. 8.

The newspaper reports that Meehan was scheduled for a pre-trial conference Jan. 4.

In 2015, Meehan pleaded not guilty in Superior Court to five counts of first-degree sexual assault. Meehan was later released on bail, as well as ordered to surrender his passport and to stay away from the alleged victims.

An indictment noted that Meehan was accused of sexually assaulting a boy over 14 years old between April 1986 and January 1991 while assigned to St. Mary Parish in Cranston.

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Padre envia foto de sexo a meninas no Facebook

Jornal de Noticias

[A priest admitted having sent photos of his penis to girls aged 10 and 13 via Facebook, but he did not know how old they were. He made this argument when he appealed his sentence of 20 months il jail. The appeal was denied and the sentence was upheld. The priest was dismissed by the church, which suspended him shortly after his conviction in Bragança. The defendant held the position of educator, being responsible for accompanying adolescents and young candidates in the seminary.]

Um padre admitiu ter enviado, através do Facebook, fotos do próprio pénis a meninas, com 10 e 13 anos, garantindo, porém, desconhecer a idade delas.

Mas o argumento que invocou junto do Tribunal da Relação de Guimarães (TRG), onde recorreu após ter sido condenado pelo Tribunal de Bragança a 20 meses de cadeia, não colheu e o padre de Vila Real viu a sentença confirmada.

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Padre envia fotos de pénis a menores

CM Journal

[Priest Pedro Ribeiro, 31, was sentenced to 20 months in jail for sexual abuse of children. He send penis photos to minors.]

Pedro Luís Vilela Ribeiro, padre no Seminário Diocesano de Vila Real, foi condenado a 20 meses de pena suspensa por enviar fotos do pénis a duas menores, de 10 e 13 anos, através do Facebook. Manteve ainda várias conversas de cariz sexual com as duas vítimas, durante 2013, sugerindo que praticassem sexo oral. O sacerdote foi condenado por dois crimes de abuso sexual de crianças em fevereiro deste ano, pena que o Tribunal da Relação de Guimarães confirmou no dia 5 deste mês.

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La jueza Zunino dispuso que el cura Rosa sea alojado en la cárcel

El Tribuno

Rubén Arenas

[A judge in Argentina has ordered priest Agustin Rosa to be housed in a jail. The priest, who is accused of sexual abuse, had petitioned for house arrest. He was ordered by the judge to go to the hospital at the penitentiary of Villa las Rosas to recover from his ailments.]

La jueza de Garantías Ada Zunino denegó ayer el pedido de detención domiciliaria del cura Agustín Rosa Torino y ordenó que sea trasladado al hospital del penal de Villa las Rosas para que realice allí el tratamiento de recuperación por las dolencias que lo afectan.

Con esta medida, la magistrada confirmó lo que se vino sosteniendo desde un comienzo cuando el abogado defensor del sacerdote, Raymundo Sosa, firmó una caución para que su cliente retorne a su domicilio en finca la Cruz luego de que los profesionales que lo asisten le dieran el alta médica.

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Providence Journal

67 of West Warwick died suddenly on December 8, 2016. Born in Providence, RI, he was the beloved son of the late Charles and Marie (Voccia) Meehan. He held several advanced degrees in Theology and History which he earned at the Angelicum in Rome and at Providence College. He was a member of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and the Phi Alpha Theta and Kapa Delta Pi honor societies.

Barry is survived by his dear brother, Charles Meehan and his wife Gail, of Warwick, and one nephew, Charles Meehan of Florida. He also leaves beloved cousins Robert A. Voccia and his wife, Kathleen, of Cranston, and their sons Robert, Christopher and Jonathan Voccia, all three of whom are his godsons, and June St. Peter of Warwick. A Mass of Christian Burial was offered last week. Burial was private.

Published in The Providence Journal on Dec. 27, 2016

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Northeast Philly man delivers Pizzagate tirade at Center City church


[with video]

PhillyVoice Staff

The Northeast Philadelphia man who gained recognition for hoisting a “Hillary 4 Prison” sign on Roosevelt Boulevard during the 2016 presidential campaign burst into The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul early Monday and delivered a screed against the Cathlolic Church, invoking the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy theory in the process.

Howard Caplan had already made his fringe views known in November, when he went to Washington, D.C. to protest outside Comet Ping Pong Pizza, the restaurant embroiled by false accususations of covering up a child sex operation run by Hillary Clinton and her former campaign chairman John Podesta.

At midnight mass on Monday, Caplan entered the Center City church and began shouting at the congregation about Pizzagate and its alleged connection to the otherwise well documented child sexual abuse scandals that have rocked the Catholic Church over the last several decades. Eventually, Caplan was confronted and led out of the church while continuing to denounce its history. (Note: Video contains explicit language).

The Pizzagate conspiracy, which appears to have originated on the message board 4chan, took on a dangerous life of its own in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory in November. Earlier this month, a 28-year-old man armed with an assault rifle entered Comet Ping Pong Pizza and threatened a store employee before he was apprehended by authorities, fortunately with no injuries.

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Two new lawsuits allege sexual abuse by priests

Albuquerque Journal

By Olivier Uyttebrouck / Journal Staff Writer
Published: Monday, December 26th, 2016

SANTA FE, N.M. — A former Archdiocese of Santa Fe priest who surfaced in Morocco this year is the focus of a lawsuit filed last week by a New Mexico man who alleges that he was sexually abused as a teenager by Arthur Perrault at the University of Albuquerque campus.

Another lawsuit filed against the archdiocese last week alleges that a former Las Vegas priest sexually abused seven San Miguel County residents when they were children in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

The Perrault lawsuit alleges that the former priest sexually abused a 17-year-old boy who enrolled in a college preparatory program at the University of Albuquerque, a now-defunct Catholic university where Perrault served as a faculty member. The lawsuit was filed in 2nd Judicial District Court in Albuquerque on behalf of a 65-year-old New Mexico man identified only as John Doe 64.

The archdiocese responded in a written statement that it does not comment on pending litigation, but it works closely with civil authorities to ensure safety of parishioners.

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December 26, 2016

Pédophilie: le cardinal Barbarin reconnaît son “réveil tardif”

Paris Match

L’archevêque de Lyon, Philippe Barbarin, admet que “(son) réveil a été tardif” face aux abus sexuels commis par des prêtres, notamment dans son diocèse, dans un entretien au Parisien/Aujourd’hui en France de dimanche.

L’Eglise française a été secouée par des mois de révélations d’affaires de pédophilie dans plusieurs diocèses français, dont celui de Lyon.

L’affaire du père Bernard Preynat, prêtre lyonnais soupçonné d’avoir abusé de plus de 60 jeunes scouts, a valu au cardinal Barbarin d’être visé par des plaintes pour non dénonciation, plaintes classées sans suite début août.

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Pédophilie: le cardinal Barbarin reconnaît son “réveil tardif”

Le Parisien

L’archevêque de Lyon, Philippe Barbarin, admet que “(son) réveil a été tardif” face aux abus sexuels commis par des prêtres, notamment dans son diocèse, dans un entretien au Parisien/Aujourd’hui en France de dimanche.

L’Eglise française a été secouée par des mois de révélations d’affaires de pédophilie dans plusieurs diocèses français, dont celui de Lyon.

L’affaire du père Bernard Preynat, prêtre lyonnais soupçonné d’avoir abusé de plus de 60 jeunes scouts, a valu au cardinal Barbarin d’être visé par des plaintes pour non dénonciation, plaintes classées sans suite début août.

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Muriel Robin pousse un coupe de gueule contre le Cardinal Barbarin


[In an interview with Le Parisien / Aujourd’hui Sunday, the Archbishop of Lyon, Philippe Barbarin, admitted that he woke up too late to the sexual abuse committed by priests, especially in his archdiocese. If he had been in direct contact with the victims earlier he would have seen the severity of the damage, he said. These remarks shocked humorist Muriel Robin who decided to answer him on Facebook.]

Dans un entretien accordé au Parisien/Aujourd’hui en France de dimanche, l’archevêque de Lyon, Philippe Barbarin, admettait que “(son) réveil a été tardif” face aux abus sexuels commis par des prêtres, notamment dans son diocèse : “Si j’avais été en relation directe plus tôt avec les victimes et que j’avais vu la gravité des dégâts, je me serais dit : il faut agir immédiatement.”. Des propos qui ont choqués l’humoriste Muriel Robin qui a décidé de prendre la parole sur son Facebook pour lui répondre.

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Frankreichs Primas zeigt Reue nach Missbrauchsskandal


[French Cardinal Philippe Barbarin has shown remorse after the abuse scandal in his archdiocese and said he “woke up” to late to the issue.]

Der Lyoner Kardinal Philippe Barbarin hat Fehler im Umgang mit einem sexuellen Missbrauchsskandal in seiner Diözese eingeräumt. “Tatsächlich bin ich zu spät aufgewacht”, sagte der Primas von Frankreich im Interview der Zeitung “Le Parisien”.

Hätte er sich früher mit den Opfern getroffen, hätte er sich sagen müssen: Ich muss sofort handeln, so Barbarin. Gegen den Erzbischof von Lyon war im Frühjahr wegen Nichtanzeige sexueller Übergriffe in seinem Verantwortungsbereich ermittelt worden. Im August stellte die Staatsanwaltschaft die Verfolgung des Falles ein. Es habe keine Hinweise auf eine Straftat seinerseits gegeben, hieß es.

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Neue Ermittlungen gegen Priester aus Lohne


[The public prosecutor’s office in Oldenburg has stopped her investigation against a priest from Lohne – but now another prosecution authority is investigating the man.]

Die Staatsanwaltschaft Oldenburg hat ihr Ermittlungsverfahren gegen einen Priester aus Lohne eingestellt – nun aber ermittelt eine andere Anklagebehörde gegen den Mann. Das teilte die katholische Kirche am Donnerstag mit. Die Staatsanwaltschaft Hannover habe ein abgetrenntes Teil-Verfahren eröffnet. Dabei geht es nach Angaben des Bischöflich Münsterschen Offizialats in Vechta um den Verdacht des Besitzes jugendpornografischer Bilder. Für die Dauer dieses neuen Verfahrens ruhten die innerkirchlichen Ermittlungen, teilte das Offizialat weiter mit. Der Priester bleibe beurlaubt.

Anzeige nach Gerüchten in Lohne

Die Oldenburger Staatsanwaltschaft hatte wegen des Verdachts des sexuellen Missbrauchs gegen den Priester ermittelt. Der 73-Jährige sollte Jungen im Alter von 13 bis 14 Jahren von auswärts, die in seinem Haus übernachteten, pornografische Bilder gezeigt haben. Der Verdacht habe sich laut Staatsanwaltschaft aber nicht bestätigt, teilte das Offizialat am Mittwoch mit.

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Anglican Diocese of Brandon sued over allegations of sexual assault by priest

CBC News

By Riley Laychuk

A Winnipeg man is suing a diocese of the Anglican Church of Canada after allegations of sexual assault and abuse were bought forward decades after they were said to have occurred.

In a statement of claim filed in Brandon Court of Queen’s Bench, the man says he still suffers severe physical and emotional pain, alcohol and substance abuse, PTSD and other effects following incidents he says occurred both in a church in The Pas, Man. and at the priest’s residence on church property in the town, approximately 500 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg

He is suing the Diocese of Brandon, which employed the priest named in the claim, for damages.

The priest is believed to now be dead, the bishop of the diocese said.

The claim states the priest performed oral-genital intercourse on the plaintiff, who was under 10 years old at the time, attempted anal intercourse and masturbated him in the priest’s residence. Similar acts were performed in the church basement in another incident, the claim says.

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El cura Rosa trabaja en su descargo

El Tribuno

[The priest Agustin Rosa, who is accused of sexual abuse, works on his release. With a laptop he prepares his defense. He is still detained in a clinic after his arrest and has not yet received a response to his request for house arrest.]

En la habitación de la clínica privada donde permanece detenido, el sacerdote Agustín Rosa Torino utilizó el tiempo durante el fin de semana para analizar las acusaciones por ABUSO SEXUAL en su contra y avanzar, con una computadora portátil, en un boceto del descargo que presentará por la imputación.

El fundador del Instituto Religioso Discípulos de Jesús de San Juan Bautista pasó la Nochebuena acompañado de dos curas de esa misma congregación, según contó a este diario su abogado Raymundo Sosa.

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Magnolia pastor indicted on sexual assault charges

Houston Chronicle

By Jay R. Jordan, jjordan@hcnonline.com

Magnolia pastor Ronald Mitchell was indicted Thursday on four felony child sexual assault charges.

Mitchell, 57, pastors Body of Christ Church near Magnolia. He was arrested Nov. 1 after SWAT team member with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office raided the church and allegedly found evidence of the sexual assault.

The pastor is facing four second-degree felony counts of sexual assault of a child – one for every time prosecutors say Mitchell had sex with a 16-year-old congregation member over a four-month period from 2015 into 2016. He is facing up to 80 years in prison for those charges, but Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office detectives believe there could be more victims.

Court documents show Mitchell had the girl staying with him at his church in the 40200 block of Garwood Court near Magnolia, telling the girl’s mother that she needed to be “watched” and have “more supervision.”

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December 25, 2016

Denegarían el arresto domiciliario al cura Agustín Rosa Torino

El Tribuno

[The lawyer representing priest Agustin Rosa, who is accused of sexual abuse, has asked for house arrest of his client]

Pablo Ferrer

En Ciudad Judicial llamó la atención que el cura no aparentaba dolencias. Lucas Alascio
El sacerdote Agustín Rosa Torino, al parecer, deberá seguir detenido en la clínica donde ahora está alojado, si su salud así lo requiere, o en la Unidad Carcelaria de Villa las Rosas. Altas fuentes judiciales aseguraron a El Tribuno que la jueza de Garantías Ada Zunino habría resuelto denegar la solicitud de arresto domiciliario que le había cursado, el jueves pasado, el abogado del imputado por abuso sexual ultrajante agravado por su condición de cura.

La magistrada debe evaluar el último informe médico sobre Rosa Torino para determinar dónde cumplirá la prisión preventiva ordenada en su contra. No se descarta que el acusado pueda ser derivado hoy al penal.

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Knights of Malta rebuff Vatican probe into dismissal of leader

Catholic World Report

Vatican City, Dec 24, 2016 / 10:41 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Two days after the announcement that Pope Francis has established a group to look into the circumstances regarding the recent dismissal of the Order of Malta’s former Grand Chancellor, the Knights responded – saying the decision was an internal matter.

The response follows the forced resignation of leader Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, which some attribute to controversy regarding the order’s charity branch being allegedly involved in distributing condoms in Myanmar to prevent HIV.

On Dec. 22 the Vatican announced that Pope Francis had formed a group of five “senior officials” tasked with “gathering any liable factors” and to “fully and quickly inform the Holy See on the matter that has recently affected the Grand Chancellor of the Order, Mr. Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager.”

Members of the group include Archbishop Silvestro Tomasi, Fr. Gianfranco Ghirlanda S.J., Belgian lawyer Mr. Jacques de Liedekerke, Mr. Marc Odendall and Mr. Marwan Sehnaoui.

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Holy See publishes motivations of ‘Vatileaks 2’ sentence

Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) The Holy See on Saturday published the motivations of the sentence that found Spanish Msgr. Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda guilty of leaking Vatican documents to the press.

He was sentenced to 18 months in prison. However Pope Francis this week had his jail sentence commuted and Vallejo Balda was put under “conditional freedom” because he had already served more than half of said sentence.

During the trial dubbed “Vatileaks II”, Vallejo Balda was found guilty and convicted while accomplice, Francesca Chaouqui, was found guilty of conspiring in the crime, but was not charged with the actual leak of the documents given a lack of evidence. She was sentenced to 10 months in prison for her role; however, the sentence was suspended for five years.

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Knights of Malta rebuff Vatican: Investigation of our ‘internal’ matters is ‘unacceptable’

LifeSite News

Claire Chretien

December 23, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The Knights of Malta have responded to the news that the Vatican will be investigating the firing of one of its top officials for overseeing the distribution of contraception by saying it’s an internal matter that “falls solely within” the Order’s “competence.”

According to a statement from the Grand Magistry of the Sovereign Order of Malta, “The replacement of the former Grand Chancellor is an act of internal governmental administration of the Sovereign Order of Malta and consequently falls solely within its competence.”

The Order has been in the news recently after one of top-ranking officials, Albrecht von Boeselager, violated his vow of obedience by refusing to resign after it was revealed he had overseen the distribution of contraception in developing countries through the order’s charity, Malteser International. Von Boeselager’s refusal to resign allowed the Order to take disciplinary action against him.

The Catholic Church teaches that artificial contraception is intrinsically evil.

Then, on Thursday, Pope Francis announced he was launching an investigation into the situation. The Times of Malta reported that the investigation was rumored to be focused less on the condom scandal and more on the process that led to von Boeselager’s sacking.

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The Pope’s Christmas Dream, The Curia’s Nightmare

The Daily Beast

The most human pope in recent memory slips out of the Vatican’s golden cage for a few moments, then lambasts the cardinals of the Curia who think they run the place.
Barbie Latza Nadeau



VATICAN CITY—Oh the woe of being Pope Francis. On one hand, he clearly longs for the simple things in life, like shoe shopping. So much so that during the mad Roman pre-Christmas shopping rush, he left the protected grounds of Vatican City to visit a local pharmacy and pick up a new version of his famously simple orthopedic shoes. He blessed a cashier’s crucifix, signed a charge slip for the shoes, and went back through the hallowed gates to what some might be call his gilded cage.

On the other hand, Francis just as clearly revels in his role as the leader (and shaper) of a revitalized Catholic Church. During his annual Christmas greeting to the cardinals and senior officials of the Roman Curia, he lambasted those who show three types of resistance to his continued reform, which he described as “open, hidden and malevolent.” The audience included the cardinals who have publically condemned him and would love to see him ousted.

In the pontiff’s wide-ranging remarks, which included a promise to increase the “role of women and of lay persons in the life of the church,” he pinpointed the 12 guiding criteria he would follow to continue reforming the institution. In 2014, he identified 15 “diseases” he implied that many of the men in front of him suffered from and last year he offered up a “catalogue of necessary virtues” they should embrace.

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How does the Pope want to reform the Curia? We still don’t really know

Catholic Herald

by Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith
posted Saturday, 24 Dec 2016

The Pope’s end of year speech to the Roman Curia has become something of an event, thanks to two things. First of all, this is the Pope who is supposedly reforming the Curia, and that has aroused interest. Secondly, this is the Pope who made that speech back in 2014 which lambasted his audience for their fifteen spiritual ills including “spiritual Alzheimer’s”. So when the Pope gets up to speak on what had once been a rather dull routine occasion, people now tend to tune in rather than out.

Then there is a matter of the presents. In the old days each member of the Curia got a bottle of prosecco and a panettone from the Holy Father. The Pope has cut out such fripperies. On one occasion each was given a CD of the Pope’s speeches. This year it was a book, recommended by Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, who, funnily enough, is one of the Four Cardinals who sent the Pope the famous dubia which remain still unanswered. The book is entitled “Measures to treat diseases of the soul” (Industriae ad curandos animae morbos), by the Italian Jesuit Fr Claudio Acquaviva. No doubt it will make cheery Christmas reading.

But to the speech. This was, to put it mildly, cryptic, at least to English ears.

“The 12 principles for reform, translated by Vatican Radio, are: individual responsibility (personal conversion), pastoral concern (pastoral conversion), missionary spirit (Christocentrism), clear organisation, improved functioning, modernisation (updating), sobriety, subsidiarity, synodality, Catholicity, professionalism, gradualism (discernment).”

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Rapist pastor protected by Ohio’s damage cap


Andrew Wolfson , @adwolfson December 24, 2016

Raped by her pastor during a counseling session near Columbus, Ohio, a 15-year-old girl and her family sued him and the church for retaining him, despite two previous claims he’d committed sexual misconduct with teenage girls.

A jury awarded them $3.5 million, to compensate for her trauma. But it was reduced to only $250,000 in damages under an Ohio law that limits recoveries to that amount for pain and suffering and other so-called non-economic damages.

In a bitter, divided opinion, Ohio’s high court this month upheld the reduction, rejecting the argument that child sex abuse victims often require a lifetime of psychiatric care.

The majority refused to carve out an exception to the state’s 11-year-old law, passed by Ohio’s legislature to provide “a fair, predictable system of civil justice that preserves the rights of injured parties while curbing frivolous lawsuits, which increase the costs of doing business, threaten Ohio jobs, drive up consumer costs, and may hinder innovation.”

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Gilbert: ‘He made me rethink the faith’: Bishop Blaire’s impact reached many

The Record

By Lori Gilbert
Record Staff Writer

It may take up to two years for Pope Francis to act, but I’m sad nonetheless that the tenure of Bishop Stephen Blaire, who has led the Diocese of Stockton since 1999, is coming to an end.

Knowing him has made me rethink the faith in which I was raised. It’s not easy to be a Catholic woman in the 21st century, or in the 20th or any other century for that matter. It’s a patriarchal faith and its position on some issues, such as an opposition to birth control, makes my blood boil.

But Bishop Blaire has made me want to be more than a Christmas and Easter Catholic. …

Bishop Blaire’s heart is big. Even as he dealt with the financial woes and loss of trust brought on by the sexual abuse scandal that his predecessors failed to stop, Blaire always appeared upbeat and unflappable. He had to make tough calls, including declaring bankruptcy in 2014. As he struggled with all that unpleasantness, he was never anything but pleasant and kind to others.

Even after he cleaned up the mess left by some predecessors who turned a blind eye to sexual abuse, Blaire was betrayed by priests on his watch. Dean McFalls left after announcing he had fathered a child. Lawrence McGovern was charged with sexual harassment after allegedly sending sexually explicit photos of himself to a gardener and firing him when his advances were rejected.

The shame is their own, but Blaire no doubt is weighed down by their sins, by their behavior that further erodes trust in the church, a church that the bishop loves.

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Compensation bids rejected in 3 test cases

The Press

Alex Ross

THREE alleged victims of sex abuse at a Catholic children’s homes have been unsuccessful in their bid for compensation.

Only one out of four ‘test’ cases was awarded £14,000 in damages at Leeds High Court after a ruling was made by a judge presiding over compensation claims for former pupils at St William’s, in Market Weighton, East Yorkshire.

A total of 249 men lodged claims against the Diocese of Middlesbrough and the De La Salle institute, which ran the home until its closure in 1992.

They claim to have suffered sexual abuse there and, in one of the largest joint compensation claims against the Catholic Church, potential payouts could run into millions of pounds if successful.

But on Wednesday Judge Mark Gosnell ruled on the first four cases and only one was successful. His ruling is expected on a further, fifth case, in January.

The former headmaster, James Carragher, and the former priest, Anthony McCallen, were convicted of sex offences against boys at the school in November 2015. Carragher, 75, was convicted previously in 1993 and 2004 of sexual offences against boys at the school which closed in 1992.

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December 24, 2016

Quién es Nicolás Parma, el sacerdote que se fue al Camp Nou mientras era acusado de abuso sexual

TN Todo Noticias [Buenos Aires, Argentina]

December 24, 2016

By Nicolas Tillard

Read original article

Pese a que se acumulan los testimonios que lo comprometen, el sacerdote tuvo tiempo de ir a disfrutar del fútbol de Messi. Ya hay un detenido por este caso, que reveló TN.com.ar.

“Yo con ustedes no tengo nada que hablar”. Esa fue la única respuesta de Nicolás Parma, sacerdote acusado de abuso sexual, a TN.com.ar. Hace un año, Yair lo denunció por primera vez y en las próximas horas otra víctima hará lo mismo. El lunes este medio reveló el caso de múltiples abusos en su congregación. No pareció preocuparle mucho: el miércoles, mismo día que fue detenido su superior, Parma se fue a disfrutar del fútbol de Lionel Messi al Camp Nou.

No era la primera vez que viajaba a Barcelona. Más conocido como el padre Felipe, Parma viajó hace 4 años a Europa a fundar la primera casa del Instituto Religioso Discípulos de Jesús San Juan Bautista en ese continente. La congregación empezó a funcionar oficialmente en Salta en 1996 y en poco tiempo se hizo cargo de parroquias y casas en varias provincias, Chile y México. 

Nicolás Osvaldo Parma Vega nació el 18 de Agosto de 1978 en Concepción,Tucumán. Cursó sus estudios primarios en la escuela Uladislao Frias y luego se fue a vivir a San Miguel para terminar la secundaria en el Seminario Menor San José. Estudió filosofía en la Universidad Católica de Salta donde conoció al padre Agustín Rosa, detenido el miércoles por abuso sexual. Se unió a la comunidad e hizo sus votos temporales en el 2000 y los perpetuos en 2004. Siguió su formación en teología en los seminarios de Celaya y Ciudad Altamirano de México donde vivió desde el 2002 al 2006.

Volvió a Argentina y fue ordenado diacono en 2006 y sacerdote en 2007. Tras un breve paso como rector de Nuestra señora de Luján en Campana y vicario de la parroquia de Santa Teresa de Jesús en Garín, fue designado como párroco de la parroquia de Exaltación de la Cruz en Puerto Santa Cruz. Allí conoció a Yair, quien ahora lo denuncia. Parma fue el encargado de una casa de aspirantes que tenían entre 12 y 18 años durante seis años.

“Nos teníamos a aguantar insultos, prepotencia, gritos, hasta incluso ha querido llegar a pegarnos, nunca lo hizo porque todos lo enfrentábamos pero nadie respondía cuando nos insultaba o nos trataba como una basura” – recuerda un ex novicio sobre cómo era el trato de Parma como superior.

El Honorable Concejo Deliberante de Puerto Santa Cruz recordó con orgullo a su exitoso sacerdote cuando fue designado en España: “Nos acompañó desde la fe, siendo fiel representante de Dios, bendiciéndonos, aconsejándonos y sembrando en todos los fieles, la sagrada palabra. Nos llena de orgullo como representantes, habitantes y creyentes, que nuestro Querido Padre Felipe haya sido llamado por Dios para continuar con la tarea eclesiástica en Europa, desándoles el mayor de los éxitos y guardando en nuestros corazones el mejor de los recuerdos como padre”

Documento completo by Todo Noticias on Scribd

Vic fue su último destino. Ahí se hizo cargo de la Parroquia de la Mare de Deu del Remei de en septiembre de 2013. Además es vicario de la parroquia de Sant Quirze i Santa Julita de Montanyola y de la parroquia de Santa Eulàlia de Riuprimer. Lejos de Argentina vivió su anonimato hasta que en los últimos días las acusaciones por abuso sexual cruzaron el océano y llegaron a sus oídos. “Vos me conocés desde el 98. No hay nada más que decir. Sabes bien quien soy… y es mentira todo…sabes que soy incapaz de hacer algo así” – le respondió en un mensaje a una ex religiosa del Instituto. Para olvidar el mal momento el miércoles pasado se fue a ver el último partido del año del Barcelona en el Camp Nou. El mismo día, en Buenos Aires, el comisario apostólico Luis Stockler negó algún tipo de restricción vigente para Parma tras las denuncias.

Parma se jactó en las redes sociales de haber disfrutado del fútbol de Messi en el Camp Nou.

Parma tiene 38 años y vive solo en una parroquia. Le gusta el buen vivir y publicar sus fotos en la redes sociales. “Siempre tenía una tablet o un celular nuevo” – recuerdan varios exreligiosos que vivieron en esa casa de Puerto Santa Cruz. Gracia compartió una temporada con él cuando estuvo trabajando para el Obispo de Vic y recuerda que subía fotos a su Instagram abrazado a varios jovenes en el gimnasio. El mes pasado visitó Granada, se alojó en un hotel 4 estrellas, recorrió las principales atracciones y registró su viaje en Foursquare.

Sus compañeros de noviciado, que prefieren preservar su identidad, denuncian que Parma se había insinuado en varias oportunidades. “Una vez me quiso hacer algo y lo saqué a patadas”, recuerda uno de ellos.

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Diocese suspende padre condenado por abuso de menores

Avoz de Trasos Montes

[The Diocese of Vila Real clarified yesterday in a statement that the priest sentenced to 20 months suspended sentence for sexual abuse of minors is suspended from the exercise of priestly ministry and expressed “deep sadness” for the case.]

A Diocese de Vila Real esclareceu ontem, em comunicado, que o padre condenado a 20 meses de pena suspensa por abuso sexual de menores se encontra suspenso do exercício do ministério sacerdotal e manifestou “profunda tristeza” pelo caso.

“Queremos tornar pública a nossa profunda tristeza pelos factos, e manifestar aos menores que foram vítimas, e às pessoas que lhes são mais chegadas, a nossa pena, a nossa proximidade e o nosso compromisso em fazer tudo o possível para que factos destes não se repitam no futuro”, pode ler-se no documento assinado pelo bispo de Vila Real, Amândio Tomás.

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Scandal strikes at ancient Order of Malta over ex-chancellor

Salina Journal

By NICOLE WINFIELD Associated Press

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on Thursday named a high-powered commission to investigate a reported condom scandal at the Order of Malta, the conservative Catholic religious order that dates from the medieval Crusades.

The order’s grand chancellor, Albrecht von Boeselager, was forcibly ousted earlier this month after the Order of Malta said “an extremely grave and untenable situation” came to light. Italian daily Il Messaggero said the scandal concerned von Boeselager’s tenure as health minister and claims that he didn’t prevent the order’s workers in Africa from distributing condoms.

Church teaching opposes artificial contraception. However, even some Catholic priests and nuns in Africa and elsewhere have condoned the use of condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS.

The order hasn’t provided details, but said the scandal involved von Boeselager’s tenure as health minister and said he had concealed the problems until an internal investigation uncovered them last year.

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Order of Malta to Pope Francis: Stay out of our internal affairs

Fox News

Published December 24, 2016 Associated Press

VATICAN CITY – The Order of Malta, the ancient Roman Catholic aristocratic lay order, has told Pope Francis that his decision to launch an investigation into the ouster of a top official over an old condom scandal is “unacceptable.”

In an extraordinary rebuke of the pontiff, the group said late Friday that the replacement of its grand chancellor was an “act of internal governmental administration of the Sovereign Order of Malta and consequently falls solely within its competence.”

Francis on Thursday appointed a five-member commission to investigate the Dec. 8 ouster of Albrecht von Boeselager amid evidence that Francis’ own envoy to the group, conservative Cardinal Raymond Burke, helped engineer it without his blessing.

One charge used against von Boeselager concerned a program that the order’s Malteser International aid group had participated in several years ago with other aid groups to help sex slaves in Myanmar, including giving them condoms to protect them from HIV infection.

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Ampleforth Abbey & College to be included in sex abuse inquiry

Gazette and Herald

Emily Flanagan

A TOP independent school in North Yorkshire is to be included in one of three public hearings carried out in the national child sexual abuse inquiry.

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSE) has published an internal review, setting out how it intends to proceed with its inquiry under its latest chair Professor Alexis Jay, who took over the role this summer.

The review states that it was reducing the number of public-inquiry style hearings into key institutions to speed up the process and refocus on preventing abuse now and in the future.

It will now hold public hearings into three of its investigations; the Roman Catholic Benedictine Congregation, children outside of the UK and Rochdale Council establishments.

The inquiry into the Roman Catholic Benedictine Congregation – which encompasses Benedictine monastic organisations across the UK, including Ampleforth Abbey and College – will be held in December 2017.

There will be further public hearings the following year into the archdiocese of Birmingham and the wider Catholic church.

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Postulator for Blessed Oscar Romero, two other El Salvador priests laicized for child sex abuse

LifeSite News

Jan Bentz

ROME, December 23, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — The Vatican has laicized a close collaborator of the late Salvadorian Archbishop Oscar Romero and two other priests of the Archdiocese of San Salvador for crimes of sexual abuse, L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican’s semi-official newspaper, reported this week.

One of the three priests suspended since 2015 is Jesus Delgado, 78, who was accused of abusing a girl for years. Delgado was Romero’s former secretary and a close collaborator who went on to serve as the vicar general of the Archdiocese of San Salvador. He later became biographer and co-postulator of Romero’s case for beatification.

The press release for the laicization of Delgado can be found here. Laicization is the most severe punishment in the Catholic Church for a member of the clergy.

Also laicized were Francisco Gálvez and Antonio Molina. Gálvez was a parish priest of Nuestra Señora del Rosario church in Rosario de Mora and Molina served at Santa Cruz de Rome in Panchimalco. Both were removed for having sexually abused children more than 20 years ago.

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Former priest charged with historical child sex offences – Newcastle

New South Wales Police Force

Saturday, 24 December 2016

A former Anglican priest will appear in court next year, after being charged with alleged sexual assaults upon two boys in the Hunter region during the 1970s.

In 2013, officers from Newcastle City Local Area Command established Strike Force Arinya 2 to review allegations that between 1971 and 1975, a man assaulted two boys at various locations including Edgeworth, Minmi, West Wallsend, Gateshead and Belmont.

Following inquiries, a 79-year-old man, from Ballarat, was issued a Future Court Attendance Notice (FCAN) for 20 offences, including assault with intent to commit buggery, five counts of buggery, and 14 counts of indecent assault on male.

Four charges were also reinstated for buggery and three counts of indecent assault on male.

The man is due to appear at Newcastle Local Court on Thursday 2 February 2017.

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Former NSW priest charged with historical child sex offences

9 News

A former Anglican priest has been charged with alleged sexual assaults on two boys in the NSW Hunter region in the 1970s.

The 79-year-old man from Ballarat was issued a court attendance notice for 20 offences, including assault with intent to commit buggery, five counts of buggery and 14 counts of indecent assault on a male.

Police charged the man following inquiries into the alleged assault of two boys at various locations including Edgeworth, Minmi, West Wallsend, Gateshead and Belmont between 1971 and 1975.

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Identifican a 22 víctimas de abuso sexual por dos curas en Argentina

La Jornada


Buenos Aires. La justicia ha identificado a por lo menos 22 víctimas de presuntos abusos sexuales cometidos por dos curas católicos y tres empleados de un instituto para sordos en la provincia argentina de Mendoza, un caso que escandaliza a los investigadores.

Las víctimas, de unos 20 años de edad en la actualidad y entre los que hay sordomudos y jóvenes con distintos problemas de audición, brindaron en los últimos días su testimonio a fiscales con la ayuda de intérpretes y psicólogos, dijo el lunes a The Associated Press Alejandro Gullé, procurador de la Corte Suprema de Mendoza, unos mil kilómetros al oeste de Buenos Aires.

“Este es un caso realmente gravísimo con consecuencias irreparables, sobre todo las psíquicas y espirituales, a un sector doblemente vulnerable no sólo por la edad sino también por la falta de comunicación”, sostuvo el jefe de los fiscales mendocinos. …

BishopAccoutability.org, un portal en internet sobre pederastia clerical, dijo días atrás que grupos italianos de víctimas de abuso le habían advertido al Vaticano en 2008 y 2014 sobre Corradi y otros acusados de abusar sexualmente de niños en una escuela para sordomudos en Verona.

“Es espantoso y doloroso que Corradi no haya sido frenado por el papa Francisco ni otras autoridades de la Iglesia. La presencia de Corradi en la escuela en Mendoza no era un secreto”, afirmó Anne Barrett Doyle, codirectora de BishopAccountability.

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Net Noticias


En un instituto para sordos se han identificado a por lo menos 22 víctimas de presuntos abusos sexuales cometidos por dos curas católicos y tres empleados, en Mendoza, Buenos Aires.

Las victimas de aproximadamente 20 años de edad en la actualidad, entre los que se encuentran sordomudos y jóvenes con problemas de audición, dieron su testimonio a fiscales, ayudados por intérpretes y psicólogos, informó el procurador de la Corte Suprema de Mendoza, Alejandro Gullé.

“Este es un caso realmente gravísimo con consecuencias irreparables, sobre todo las psíquicas y espirituales, a un sector doblemente vulnerable no sólo por la edad sino también por la falta de comunicación”, sostuvo el jefe de los fiscales.

Entre los cinco detenidos por presunto abuso sexual, se encuentra el sacerdote Nicola Corradi de 82 años, quien también fue denunciado por abuso en Italia, además el sacerdote Horacio Corbacho de 55 y tres empleados: José Luis Ojeda, Jorge Bordón y Armando Gómez, los cuales se desempeñaban en tareas administrativas y de jardinería. …

BishopAccoutability.org, un portal en internet sobre pederastia clerical, dijo días atrás que grupos italianos de víctimas de abuso le habían advertido al Vaticano en 2008 y 2014 sobre Corradi y otros acusados de abusar sexualmente de niños en una escuela para sordomudos en Verona.

“Es espantoso y doloroso que Corradi no haya sido frenado por el papa Francisco ni otras autoridades de la Iglesia. La presencia de Corradi en la escuela en Mendoza no era un secreto”, afirmó Anne Barrett Doyle, codirectora de BishopAccountability.

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Legisladores fueron al Arzobispado y crece el escándalo del Próvolo: más denuncias de advertencia al Vaticano

Los Andes

La comisión de Educación, en conjunto con la comisión de Desarrollo Social de la Cámara de Diputados de Mendoza, se reunió con Carlos María Franzini en el Arzobispado, aunque poco fue lo que salió del encuentro: con legisladores de todos los partidos, el arzobispo aseguró que el Vaticano trabaja en el asunto y que convocó a las autoridades del Instituto Antonio Próvolo a nivel mundial.

Mientras tanto, la agencia estadounidense Associated Press aseguró que el Vaticano estaba advertido sobre la presencia de Nicolás Corradi en Argentina

La agencia dice que BishopAccountability.org, un portal en internet sobre pederastia clerical, había avisado que Corradi era culpable de abusos en Verona, Italia, y que ahora estaba en Mendoza

“Es espantoso y doloroso que Corradi no haya sido frenado por el papa Francisco ni otras autoridades de la Iglesia. La presencia de Corradi en la escuela en Mendoza no era un secreto”, afirmó Anne Barrett Doyle, codirectora de BishopAccountability.

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Crece el escándalo por sacerdotes que violaron a niñas sordas en colegio de educación diferenciada

El Diario de Santiago

Los sacerdotes tenían una pequeña capilla en el Instituto Antonio Próvolo, provincia de Mendoza, Argentina, recinto educacional católico especializado para personas con déficit auditivo, lugar donde violaban a niños y niñas.

Como consigna Emol, “hay una capillita chiquita donde está la Virgen… con unas sillitas, donde a los niños los confesaban, les daban la comunión. Allí sucedían algunos de los hechos”, menciona el fiscal Fabrizio Sidoti, quien lleva el caso y quien ha recibido los testimonios de más de 24 jóvenes, entre estudiantes y egresados del recinto.

Las estudiantes denunciaron a dos sacerdotes, quienes habrían perpetrado las violaciones en los cuartos de baño, dormitorios y en un sótano del establecimiento. Uno de los acusados, Nicola Corradi, de 82 años había sido acusado en 2009 por delitos similares cometidos en 1950, en el mismo instituto pero en su sede en Verona, Italia, sin embargo la iglesia no hizo nada al respecto, enviándolo al país trasandino.

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Estupor por niños supuestamente abusados por curas

El Universo


En una capilla y ante una imagen de la Virgen María, dos curas católicos, supuestamente, violaron a niños sordos.

Al menos 24 alumnos y exalumnos del Instituto Antonio Próvolo para hipoacústicos de la provincia argentina de Mendoza denunciaron este y otros presuntos abusos ante la justicia. Uno de los sacerdotes ya había sido acusado de delitos similares en una escuela en Italia.

En una capilla, donde a los niños los confesaban o les daban la comunión, en cuartos de baño, dormitorios o un sótano ocurrieron las presuntas violaciones, manoseos y prácticas de sexo oral, según las denuncias contra los curas Nicola Corradi y Horacio Corbacho y tres laicos. El caso golpea a las puertas del Vaticano, que desoyó las advertencias de las víctimas italianas sobre Corradi, quien se encuentra detenido en Mendoza.

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Priests at Argentinian school for deaf youngsters ‘would choose their victims to sexually abuse knowing other children would not hear them scream’

Daily Mail

By Jennifer Newton for MailOnline

A child sex abuse scandal is unfolding at a school in Argentina where tormentors would allegedly chose their victims knowing the other children wouldn’t hear the screams as they were deaf.

Two Roman Catholic priests are accused of repeatedly raping pupils at the Antonio Provolo Institute for hearing impaired children in Mendoza province.

At least 24 students at the school have come forward seeking the justice against Reverend Nicola Corradi, 82, the Reverend Horacio Cobacho, 55 and four other men.

Victims and prosecutors say the rapes by the priests took place in the bathrooms, dorms, garden and a basement at the school.

The five were arrested in late November by police who raided the school and found magazines featuring naked women and about $34,000 in Corradi’s room. …

Anne Barrett Doyle, co-director of BishopAccountability, an online resource about clerical abuse, said: ‘No other pope has spoken as passionately about the evil of child sex abuse as Francis. No other pope has invoked ‘zero tolerance’ as often. No other pope has promised accountability of church superiors.

‘In light of the crimes against the helpless children in Mendoza, the Pope’s assurances seem empty indeed.’

Earlier this month, the Pontiff appeared in a video using sign language to wish deaf people worldwide a Merry Christmas — a gesture that fell particularly flat in Argentina as Catholics struggle with the enormity of the scandal.

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Prosecutor: Pastor may have tried to destroy fingerprints

News 12

Updated December 23, 201

By The Associated Press

JERSEY CITY – A prosecutor says a church pastor who has been on the run for nearly two years after he was convicted of sexual assault charges may have tried to obliterate his own fingerprints.

The Assistant Hudson County Prosecutor said in court Friday that Gregorio Martinez’s 10 fingers were bloodied and bandaged when he was detained in Honduras in August.

Martinez was once a Pentecostal preacher in Jersey City. He was found guilty last year of molesting a 13-year-old boy he knew through church. Prosecutors say Martinez then fled to Nicaragua.

NJ.com reports that he appeared in court in Jersey City Friday and was held without bail pending sentencing March 24.

Martinez also faces additional charges after three 19-year-old men also accused of him of sexual assault following his initial conviction.

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Member of ‘Cult-like’ Church Sentenced.

Bayshore Broadcasting

Owen Sound | by Kevin Bernard

No jail time for man convicted of assault in connection with a Chatsworth Area Church.

Two men have now been convicted and sentenced in connection with an investigation into a “cult” like church in Chatsworth.

61 year old Judson King of Oakville plead guilty last Friday (Dec. 16th) to 3 counts of assault and was sentenced to a 12 month conditional sentence (no jail time), 3 years probation, a 10 year weapons ban and he must submit a DNA sample.

King was originally charged with 6 counts including assault with a weapon and uttering death threats.

The other charges were withdrawn by the Crown.

King, and his younger brother Fred were arrested in April of 2014 following a 16 month OPP probe into allegations of physical and sexual assault by 7 victims, involving a leader of the Church of Jesus Christ restored.

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Sexual predator back in Hudson County after months on the run


Katie Sobko , Staff Writer, @katesobko December 23, 2016

A fugitive who was convicted of sexual offenses against a 13-year-old boy in 2015 is now in custody at the Hudson County Correctional Facility, authorities said.

Gregorio Martinez, 49, a pastor and deacon at several churches in Hudson County, was convicted by a Hudson County jury of sexual offenses against the boy, a parishioner at his church, in February 2015, Hudson County prosecutor Esther Suarez said.

Martinez was convicted of aggravated criminal sexual contact, endangering the welfare of a child and child abuse. Before the jury selection process, the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office had filed additional sexual assault charges against Martinez in connection with the sexual assault of a 19-year-old man who attended the church where Martinez was pastor, Suarez said.

After the verdict was reached, new sexual assault charges were filed against Martinez, accusing him of offenses committed against two additional 19-year-old men whom he had spiritually counseled. He failed to appear for a mandatory pre-sentence interview after his conviction in the initial case and he fled the country. Suarez said he was traced through Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras.

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Fugitive former pastor brought back to NJ for sentencing

The Trentonian

By The Associated Press
POSTED: 12/23/16

JERSEY CITY >> A former New Jersey church pastor will be sentenced on sexual assault charges nearly two years after he fled the country following his conviction in February 2015.

Forty-nine-year-old Gregorio Martinez is set to be sentenced Friday in Hudson County Superior Court on charges of aggravated criminal sexual contact, endangering the welfare of a child and child abuse.

Martinez, once a Pentecostal preacher in Jersey City, was found guilty of molesting a 13-year-old boy he got to know through a church in North Bergen.

Prosecutors say Martinez skipped a pre-sentencing interview and fled to Nicaragua. He was apprehended in Honduras last week and brought back to New Jersey on Thursday.

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